Dirty electricity refers to high-frequency electrical noise or transients that travel along your home’s electrical wiring. While it may not be physically visible, dirty electricity can have detrimental effects on both your health and the functionality of electronic devices.
In this article, we will explore 12 critical steps to safeguard your home against dirty electricity. By implementing these measures, you can create a healthier environment for yourself and protect your valuable electronics.
Safeguard Your Home with These Steps
1. Understand the Sources of Dirty Electricity
Before taking any preventive measures, it is essential to understand what is dirty electricity and where it originates. Familiar sources include electronic devices, energy-efficient lighting systems (CFLs and LEDs), power adapters, dimmer switches, electric motors, solar inverters, and poorly designed wiring systems in buildings.
2. Conduct an Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Assessment
The first step in protecting your home from dirty electricity is assessing the levels of electromagnetic fields present in each room. Hire a professional or purchase an EMF meter to measure the non-ionizing radiation emitted by electronic devices and wiring in your home.
3. Address Wiring Issues
Faulty or outdated electric wiring can contribute to high amounts of dirty electricity in a home. Ensure that all wiring is up to code, and consider hiring an electrician to inspect and replace any aging or improperly installed wiring.
4. Install Dirty Electricity Filters
Dirty electricity filters are used to eliminate or reduce high-frequency noise from electrical circuits in your home. These filters act as shields that prevent transients from entering specific areas, such as bedrooms or office spaces where sensitive electronics are located.
5. Use Shielded Wiring Solutions
Shielded wiring solutions can effectively reduce the amount of dirty electricity traveling through your home’s electrical system. These wires have conductive materials woven into them, isolating electromagnetic interference while lowering overall EMI emissions.
6. Unplug Devices When Not in Use
Leaving devices plugged in when they are not being used contributes to the presence of dirty electricity. Get into the habit of unplugging electronics, especially those with power adapters, when they are not in use, or consider using smart power strips that cut off electrical supply to devices on standby.
7. Opt for Incandescent Bulbs
While incandescent bulbs are not energy-efficient like CFLs and LEDs, they produce fewer electromagnetic fields and generate less dirty electricity. Consider using them in areas where you spend a significant amount of time, such as bedrooms or home offices.
8. Ground Electrical Equipment Properly
Properly grounding electrical equipment helps reduce the occurrence of high-frequency currents and minimizes the risk of dirty electricity buildup. Consult a professional to ensure your electrical system is grounded correctly.
9. Use Stetzerizer Filters
Stetzerizer filters are specifically designed to remove high-frequency transients from electrical wiring systems. By plugging these filters into outlets throughout your home, you can significantly reduce the levels of dirty electricity circulating in your living environment.
10. Take Precautions with Solar Installations
Solar panel systems can introduce significant amounts of dirty electricity into a home if not installed correctly or without appropriate filtering mechanisms in place. Ensure that your solar installation is designed to minimize electromagnetic noise and that appropriate filters are utilized.
11. Create Distance from Electrical Devices
Positioning yourself at a safe distance from sources of dirty electricity can help reduce exposure levels. Maintain several feet of space between yourself and electronic gizmos with transformer-fed power Supply units so their emitted radiation doesn’t pose any immediate risks to your health.
12. Preserve Electrical System Integrity
Regular maintenance and inspections lead to better overall system integrity, minimizing opportunities for the proliferation of dirty electricity within your home’s electrical grid. Schedule routine checks with a qualified electrician to identify potential issues before they compromise your safety.
Powering The Future: Solar and Battery Packages for Sustainable Living(Opens in a new browser tab)
Implementing these 12 critical steps will help safeguard your home against the adverse effects of dirty electricity while promoting a healthier living environment for you and your loved ones. By understanding the sources of dirty electricity, addressing related wiring issues, installing appropriate filters, and taking precautions with electronics and solar installations, you can significantly reduce exposure to harmful electromagnetic fields. Remember to consult professionals whenever necessary to ensure optimal effectiveness in protecting your home. Take these measures today and proactively create a safer and healthier home for yourself and future generations.
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