20 Ways to Use Neon Signs to Light Up Your Wedding


Illuminating Love with Neon

Are you looking forward to making your wedding memorable? Think about stepping into a beautifully decorated venue with neon signs that make a magical environment, ensuring every moment is captured. No longer just for bars and clubs, neon signs have become a trendy and stylish addition to weddings. In this article, I will give you 20 creative ideas on how you can use neon signs to liven up your big day.

1. Welcome Sign: The First Impression Matters Most

Why not greet your guests with an amazing neon sign? As people walk through the door it can be a chance to set the tone for the entire event. This is one way that you can create a strong first impression.

2. Wedding Neon Signs: Highlighting The Couple’s Names

Can you imagine your names illuminated by bright lights as part of the background for your wedding décor? A custom-made neon sign with the partners’ names can serve as an unforgettable focal point and an excellent photo opportunity.

3. Personalize Neon Sign For The Ceremony Backdrop

It is essential to have a unique setting for your ceremony backdrop. You will say your vows here and take many pictures. Use custom neon signs with something romantic like “Happily Ever After” which will add that personal feel.

4. Wayfinding Signs for Easy Navigation

Sometimes large venues may seem disorienting. Use neon signs to direct people to where different things are like the cocktail hour area or reception hall and others. This serves its purpose while adding style too.

5. Bar Sign: Light Up the Party

A neon sign above the bar creates a really fun and exciting vibe. Phrases like “Cheers” or “Drink Up” in bright colors can attract guests and make the bar area a focal point.

6. Dance Floor Decor

The dance floor becomes an electrifying space with neon signs. Phrases such as “Let’s Dance” or “Party Time” may encourage guests to start dancing and have a good time with you.

7. Highlight the Cake Table

It wouldn’t hurt to add a neon sign next to your wedding cake since it is a masterpiece. For example, the statement “Love is Sweet” will make your cake table more inviting and picturesque.

8. Custom Neon Sign for the Sweetheart Table

If a neon sign is placed above the sweetheart table, it will not go unnoticed. These could be words like “Mr & Mrs” or “Better Together” among others that will create a romantic atmosphere for the couple.

9. Guest Book Area

Use a custom open neon sign to show your guests where the guest book is. This will make sure everyone knows where to leave their messages wishing you well and should do the trick.

10. Quote Wall: Words to Remember

You should have a neon sign with a quote about love that means something special to both of you. Put it up anywhere in the venue for added beauty and also let it be a suitable place for photographs.

11. Highlight the Photo Booth

A neon sign added to your photo booth may encourage more pictures. Throughout the event, people might find a sign saying “Strike a Pose” quite interesting.

Shine bright at your buffet or dessert table with a neon sign. “Feast” or “Sweet Treats” can be great phrases that will make people want to visit these areas and enhance the overall décor.

13. Reception Entrance

Welcome guests to the reception entrance by making use of a neon sign. “Let’s Celebrate” would be perfect as it will set a lively mood from the start.

14. Highlight Special Areas

Neon signs could be used to highlight special parts of your wedding such as the cigar lounge, cozy seating area, or outdoor fire pit.

15. Neon Sign Guest Book

Instead of having the usual guest book, make a neon sign for people to sign on at your wedding. This can also serve as a keepsake in your house that will always remind you about that day and all those who were present.

16. Sparkle Up the Send-Off

Make your grand send-off more magical by holding a neon sign written “Just Married” or “Happily Ever After”. You can take unforgettable pictures with it as you leave for home.

17. Ceremony Aisle

Place some small neon signs along the aisle where your ceremony will take place. This can add some sparkle to your bridal path as you walk towards each other.

18. Light Up the Lounge Area

Create a warm and trendy atmosphere in the relaxing area for your guests using neon signs. Sayings like “Chill Zone” or “Relax and Unwind” would work well here.

19. Highlighting the Toast

During addresses and toasts, additional ambiance can be injected into the environment by placing neon signs at the back of the speakers. Phrases like Cheers to Love or Toast to Us can prepare the ground for this touching moment in the evening. 

20. After the Party Decor Lastly 

What do you do with your wedding neon signs after the ceremony? These signs could be incorporated into your house décor so that they act as a permanent remembrance of that special day in your life. 

Francisco de Borja Queipo and Hanna Jaff: An exclusive ceremony in Spain and Mexico(Opens in a new browser tab)

Summary: Why Use Neon Signs? 

When it comes to wedding decorations, neon signs can offer something new age. They are flexible enough to fit in any wedding theme since they can be customized according to one’s preference. In other words, if you want a romantic, fun, or even stylish atmosphere then these are the right signs for you. Therefore, while organizing your wedding try figuring out how best you would like neon signs to work for you and your guests. Anything is possible starting from welcoming people up to taking photographs that will always be remembered. Come up with custom neon signs that are going to make your big day distinctively exceptional. Using neon signs is a great way of personalizing your wedding and leaving memories that will last forever. So the big question is, are you ready to illuminate your wedding with some of these lights?

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