2022 It’s All About YOU! It’s Not Selfish, It’s Self Preservation

Joyfully Dissatisfied – that’s how I live my life. If I paused it right now, I’d say that I’ve achieved a lot and have a lot in my life for which to be grateful. And, I haven’t paused my life. There’s more to do. There’s more growth to be had and greater service to offer others. I didn’t pause my life, and neither did you. So, is it okay to actually want to have more, do more, or be more? Isn’t that selfish?

Yes and yes. It’s okay and yes it’s selfish. And here’s what most people miss – and this is a crucial key – you can’t give what you don’t have!

You can’t give what you don’t have. That means if you’re running on fumes, you’ve got nothing left for your family, your friends, or yourself – very likely because you left it all at work. Even the greatest warriors took time away from the battle to rest and rejuvenate. That’s how they were able to be so powerful IN The battle.

You can’t give what you don’t have means something else, too. It means that you can only give at the level that you’ve gotten to. That is, you’ve GOT to keep growing and learning and trying new things so that you have the experience, the big, bad, beautiful, complex life experience to offer others. 

And beyond that, there’s something scary in the “it’s all about you” universe. Yep. It’s that you know you’re bigger than the life you’re currently leading. You’re seeing other people do amazing and fascinating things and you wonder about that dream you’ve tucked away.

Well, there are two things you need to consider. First, are you watching their “highlights reel” on social media and not seeing the messy swamp they had to trudge through to get there. Really, life isn’t pretty all the time. In fact, it takes a lot of trudging through the muck to get a good highlight reel.

And with that said, there is still an ache for more. Knowing that you’re bigger than your current life is okay. You can Dare To Desire. In myPowerful Presence® Masterclass (it’s free), I walk you through how to move from Desire to Destination. And the first step is getting super clear about your ache. What is it you want, deep down, that you might not have ever dared to say out loud? Is it a thing, a location, a talent, a relationship, a financial status, or something else? Get clear about that. 

Like setting a GPS, you can’t just say “I want to head west.” You have to get super clear about the destination, the clearer the better. If I told you I’d meet you in the west, you might wonder if it was the Southwest like Santa Fe or the Northwest, like Seattle. But if I said I’d meet you at Disneyland’s Teacups on Tuesday at 4 pm, you’d know exactly where to be and when. Set your GPS.

And when you set your GPS, a couple of other things have to happen. You have to know your starting point. And then you have to move. You can’t just set a destination and not move towards it. Otherwise, you’ve got an empty wish.  So, assess where you are accurately, then take a step. And then another, and then another.

Oh, and what are you assessing exactly?

How are you doing in your relationship(s)? Don’t be afraid to give yourself a ranking on a scale of 1-10.

How’s your health? (1-10)

How are your finances? 

What about any avocations, your hobbies beyond your work? 

Yeah, score 1-10 there, too. 

How are you doing in your career or mission? Is the work you’re doing aligned? 

And finally, how are you connected beyond yourself… the Spirit or Nature or God or Source?

Assess where you are.

Keep a clear vision of where you want to be.

Get a sense of the distance from the current state to the desired state and take your first step. Then another. Then another.

You’ve got this. That’s how you build a vibrant, growing, dynamic YOU.

Let it be all about you. The world needs you to step in and step up.

And if you want to view that Powerful Presence® Masterclass I mentioned, click here!


By: Dr Wayne Pernell 

Selfish Selfish Selfish Selfish

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