3 Common Myths About PR

The PR space is often seen as unreachable, unattainable, and reserved for only the most famous and successful people. However, the area of public relations is often misunderstood and has many misconceptions surrounding it. Down below are three of the most common myths that people believe when it comes to PR.

1.  You need to be attractive or in a ‘sexy’ industry in order to participate in PR

Many people believe that they need to be someone ‘attractive’ if they are to invest into PR. After all, it is a public space, so it’s understandable where this belief comes from. Many of the faces of PR are plastic surgeons, influencers, millionaires, and more attractive professionals. However, being in an ‘unattractive’ industry actually has a huge advantage over these spaces. Influencers, for example, are common in the PR space, so when someone in the accounting industry comes along, they will stand out among the hundreds of other ‘attractive’ influencers or plastic surgeons. You do not need to be a part of a ‘special’ niche in order to take advantage of PR. If Shrek could make it, so can you.

2. You need to be a multi-millionaire to afford PR

Yes, the most visible faces are often those of wealthy individuals, but the truth is that you do not need any money to get started. At my agency, Ace of Spades, we’ve helped people get amazing results for free! So no, you do not need to be rich to start getting exposure, because even a little bit now will build up to more over time.

3. You need to be perfect before investing into PR

Most people avoid investing in PR because they don’t feel like they are ready. They don’t think their website is good enough, they don’t have the perfect logo, their sales team is still in training, etc. etc. etc. Here’s the truth: you will never be perfect. Everything will always be changing. You might like your website one day and hate it the next. The climb uphill is never fast, and you need to get started somewhere if you’re to ever make it to the top. You do not need to be perfect to start investing into PR and into yourself. 

The PR space is one that is full of misconceptions, but once you find your way around the myths, it’s a place that is full of unlimited potential. The less qualified you feel you are, the greater results you’ll see from PR. What was once seen as unattainable, is now open to people and brands of every different level.

To learn more or work with Jay Jay and Ace of Spades, follow him on Instagram and check out his website to grow your brand and business.

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