4 Reasons to Book a Whitewater Rafting Trip This Summer


If you enjoy the outdoors, gift yourself the experience of a whitewater rafting trip this summer. In its simplest form, it’s the perfect combination of sports and nature. However, you don’t have to be an athlete or rugged outdoorsman to try it for the first time. Beginners are often directed to easier courses where the river flows at a relaxing, leisurely pace. If you’re still on the fence, here are four reasons you should book that rafting trip.

1. Bonding Opportunities

Whitewater rafting is a group activity, so it can be good for friends traveling together or families with older children. Everyone has to dedicate equal amounts of effort to rowing and propelling the raft, which requires communication and coordination. This can be particularly helpful for getting prickly siblings to finally work together on a shared goal. In addition, you will spend the majority of your time with the members of your group. The trip may take all day or even multiple days, but it will go by fast as you work as a team against raging rapids.

2. Proximity to Nature

As you ride a river through the wilderness, sleep under the stars, and witness up-close-and-personal views of Mother Nature, your rafting trip will provide countless opportunities to commune with the natural environment. There are few opportunities in life that offer similar experiences, especially in a world ruled by technology and social media. As an added benefit, you will do your part in advocating for outdoor adventures, which helps keep national and state parks open.

3. Good Exercise

Rafting engages muscles you might not use regularly. It also keeps your body in constant motion, making it an effective cardio exercise. You need to be prepared for an intense workout, especially for your arms. However, unlike going to the gym, whitewater rafting has a high potential for fun. In short, it will be a workout you actually enjoy.

4. Creates Cherished Memories

Between whitewater rafting and your five-hundredth time clocking into work, which memory do you think will stand out more? In the end, whitewater rafting is a unique experience that will certainly stand out as a highlight in your life. By booking a rafting trip for yourself and your close friends or family, you can create precious, shared memories to look back on in the future.

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Tips for Your First Trip

Like any other outdoor activity, preparedness is paramount. Whitewater rafting can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Be dressed for both hot and cold weather, pack plenty of provisions, and always follow the lead of your rafting guide. You should also wear the gear and recommended attire the rafting company provides or recommends. Be aware that you will probably get splashed a lot, so focus on clothes and gear that are waterproof. Finally, pay attention to the safety briefing that’s given before the trip. If you want to enjoy whitewater rafting to its fullest, making safety a priority is the best way to ensure your trip goes smoothly.

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