4 Ways to Protect Yourself from Junk Fees

Have you ever gotten to the checkout stage, ready to snag that amazing online deal, only to be hit with a surprise fee that throws your whole budget off track? Or maybe you’ve purchased a concert ticket, only to discover a mysterious “convenience fee” tacked on at the end? If you can relate, then you’ve encountered the dreaded junk fee.

According to a recent USA Today BLUEPRINT study, 93% of Americans have fallen victim to these unexpected charges, and a staggering 91% say they’re becoming increasingly common. These surprise fees can be incredibly frustrating and confusing, leaving most of us (75%, USA Today estimates) feeling like we’ve been tricked out of our hard-earned cash.

But fear not, fellow consumers! Here are four ways to fight back and protect yourself from the junk fee frenzy.

1. Become a Fee Detective

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to junk fees. Don’t just blindly accept the total cost at checkout. Carefully scrutinize the price breakdown before finalizing your purchase.

Look for hidden fees disguised under vague terms like “convenience fee,” “processing charge,” or even the ever-so-creative “COVID-19 recovery fee” (USA Today reports this is one of the most confusing fees for consumers). Knowing what to look for empowers you to challenge these surprise charges and potentially get them removed.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Push Back

See a questionable fee? Don’t be shy! Politely ask the seller or service provider to explain the charge. Sometimes, a simple inquiry can lead to the fee being waived, especially if it’s unclear or unjustified.

USA Today found that 83% of consumers have abandoned a transaction due to encountering a junk fee. Don’t just back down — by speaking up, you might not only save yourself money, but you may also encourage businesses to be more transparent about their pricing structure.

3. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Technology can be a powerful tool in the fight against junk fees. There are a number of apps and browser extensions designed to help you identify and avoid hidden fees. These tools can scan online transactions and alert you to potential surprise charges. Additionally, some price comparison websites factor in junk fees when displaying total costs, allowing you to make informed decisions before you buy.

4. Know Your Rights and Leverage the Power of Choice

Understanding your rights as a consumer is crucial. The Federal Trade Commission offers resources and information on deceptive advertising practices, which can often include misleading fee structures. In some cases, you may be able to dispute a junk fee, especially if it’s not clearly disclosed upfront.

Remember, you have the power to choose where you spend your money. By being a savvy consumer, asking questions, and seeking out transparent businesses, you can protect yourself from the junk fee trap.

When it’s possible, try going local. According to USA Today, the worst junk fee offenders are associated with concert tickets, food delivery, and online orders. So purchasing your tickets at the venue, picking up your takeout, and going to the store to shop can help you avoid these extra costs.

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Final Thoughts

Almost two-thirds of consumers in the USA Today BLUEPRINT study say they would prefer to pay more for a good or service overall if junk fees were absorbed into the total cost. This sends a pretty clear message to businesses — customers want transparency and upfront pricing.

So, while junk fees may seem like an inevitable part of modern commerce, they don’t have to be. You might not see immediate, sweeping changes when pushing back against hidden costs. But by following these tips and embracing your inner fee detective, you can become a more informed consumer, take control of your finances, and avoid the frustration of surprise charges.

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