Many people don’t think about their windshield until they can’t see through it. Waiting that long to replace it is unwise. You can easily be ticketed for a broken windshield, or worse, collide with another vehicle because you cannot see well. Broken windshields can also easily shatter when the cracks get too large. When do you need to replace your windbreak? Below are five signs it’s time to get rid of your old one.
1- Crack Size
If your windshield has a crack that cannot be covered with a dollar bill, you need to replace it. Cracks smaller than a dollar bill can often be fixed by using a special epoxy that restores strength to the windbreak.
2- Crack Placement
You may need to replace your windshield if the crack is too close to the outer edge. A crack near the edge can lessen the strength of your windbreak causing it to fail in critical situations. In that case, even smaller cracks can mean it’s time for a new windbreak. Also, cracks located in your eye line may require a new windshield because the repair leaves a slight line. That line can impede your vision.
3- Multiple Small Cracks and Chips
A few small chips won’t affect your vision, but a pockmarked windshield needs to be replaced. Both the strength of the windbreak and your vision will be affected. One small but ill-placed crack can cause an accident by distorting your sight line. If you find yourself peering under or over multiple cracks, it’s time to buy a new windshield.
4- Permanent Haze
Like many people, you may experience windshield haze on the inside or outside of your windbreak. Usually, you can remove haze with a cleaning solution. Sometimes, windshield haze becomes permanent. It may be caused by a combination of chemicals, multiple glass chips, and road grime. If your windbreak develops a permanent haze, you should replace it. The haze obviously obstructs your view, and it only worsens over time.
5- Deep Scratches
Your windshield can develop deep scratches from old windshield wipers. After a time, these wipers dig deep into the windbreak and leave deep scratches that can not be repaired. They obscure your view, meaning a new windbreak is your only option.
Windshield Safety
A clear windshield is necessary to drive safely. If your windbreak is permanently hazy, has large cracks, or other issues that affect your vision, you need to have it replaced immediately. A large crack out of your sightline may not seem urgent, but the crack can suddenly expand and your windshield can shatter. This issue can arise while you are driving down the highway at 65 mph. You can easily collide with another vehicle under those conditions potentially injuring people.
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If your windshield has small chips and cracks, take it to a skilled glass repair shop. Your insurance will usually cover the cost of this repair. Ignoring these small cracks will lead to bigger problems and the need to replace your windshield. To be safe, take all windbreak issues seriously.
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