A New Management Theory Is Sparking Revolution

Dr. Gitlow has synthesized Deming-based Lean Six Sigma Management which is gaining popularity among businesses, colleges, and individuals due to its unique perspective that all shareholders are important and deserve to benefit as the organization does better, not just investors.Dr. Gitlow synthesized this theory by combining Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s management theory (the System of Profound Knowledgeand the 14 points for management), Japanese Total Quality Control administrative systems, Six  and Lean Manufacturing tools and methodologies.

A new approach to management

Dr. Gitlow has created three component parts to Deming-based Lean Six Sigma management, they are: the Macro Model, the Micro Model, and the Management model. The Macro Model is based on a system of cascading mission statements, job descriptions, objectives, and metrics (indicators) that define employees’ roles so that everyone works toward the organizations’s mission. The Micro Modeluses the SDSA cycle, the PDSA cycle, the Six Sigma DMAIC model, and the Lean Manufacturing methodologies to close the dirrerencebetween the actual values of a problematic metric and the ideal value of said metric. The Management Model is based on W. Edwards Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge and 14 Points for Management which defines your organization’s culture. This culture does not penalize workers for the problems created by the system.

Restore Happiness to Your Organization

Now that you’ve learnedsomething about Dr. Gitlow’s theory, it’s time to start applying it at your company and being a part of the change since it will undoubtedly make employees happy by raising motivation. Progressive Capitalism, as opposed to Free Market Capitalism, is operationalized through Deming-based Lean Six Sigma management. Many conservatives believe that liberals are socialists, but in fact, they are Progressive Capitalists. This shift in the nature of capitalism will benefit the United States.

Dr. Gitlow has developed two 20-hour Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on Deming-based Lean Six Sigma management. They may be found at “elevate.miami.edu.” “Deming-based Process Improvement” is the first MOOC, and the second MOOC is “Deming-based Lean Six Sigma Management.” The good news is that you will be a certified Yellow Belt once you have completed both MOOCs. Go to their website right now and become a part of the change.

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