The beauty of photography isn’t circumscribed to grand landscapes, exotic locations, or high-profile portraits—it can be found in everyday objects as well. With a dash of creativity and your smartphone camera’s know-how, you can take thought-provoking images, even if they are of something mundane.
This short guide offers tips to help you see things differently, transforming ordinary objects into amazing photographs using just your phone camera.
Why photograph mundane objects
There are many reasons for snapping everyday objects. They often go unnoticed but hold untapped potential for artistic photography. Of course, it’s always enjoyable to photograph a celebrity to get a stunning portrait or incorporate whimsical props to get the weirdest picture ever. However, working with familiar, common objects is excellent in a way that challenges you to leverage at-hand items. Knowing how to get a remarkable shot of a simple item from various angles and telling a different story goes a long way in your creative vision and photography career.
Focusing on ordinary elements also hones your ability to notice textures, patterns, and compositions in all aspects of your surroundings. Thanks to this skill, you will be able to quickly get a striking image of everyday stuff wherever you are. And the best thing? Obtaining this ability is only five tips away. Let’s look at them more closely below.
Tip #1. Create a habit of regularly browsing stunning photos
Capturing everyday objects in a unique way hinges on your imagination, so expanding your blue-sky thinking is extremely important. Set aside enough time to explore online photography collections or browse books and magazines.
Luckily, there are unlimited sources of inspiration to help you nurture new ideas. Take this Depositphotos blog article, which contains unusual but, at the same time, ordinary things caught on camera. Get inspired by these shots, and feel free to scroll through the entire blog collection featuring many articles on photography and art. Checking out such blogs will help you perceive objects through a photography lens and encourage you to push creative boundaries.
Whenever you stumble upon something worth your attention, don’t just look at the image. Study composition choices, and try putting yourself in the creator’s shoes. How would you take the picture? Would you take a different angle or leave more negative space in the frame? Analyzing and questioning images will train your vision and help you once you go into the field yourself.
Tip #2. Master everyday object photography with your smartphone
Whether you plan to shoot vibrant portraits or the craziest pictures ever taken, your smartphone is a powerful tool to deliver any image. Plus, it’s always within your arm’s reach. So, use it to capture moments as they occur spontaneously.
Make sure to learn the advanced settings and parameters to take advantage of when photographing. Learn different photo modes and how to use them most efficiently. For example:
HDR. Great for balancing exposure in high-contrast scenes and day-to-day photography;
Night mode. The go-to choice for dim lighting conditions or outdoors after sunset;
Portrait mode. Excellent for blurring backgrounds and creating the Bokeh effect.
Some smartphones also provide camera suggestions to optimize shots, so take advantage of these recommendations to enhance your photos, ensuring optimal lighting, composition, and focus for professional-quality results.
Tip #3. Experiment with focus and angles
An unconventional angle can often make all the difference, adding a layer of intrigue and making a photo a work of art, especially if it captures an everyday object. Try not to take pictures from the standard eye-level position. Instead, explore angles that surprise the viewer. Shoot from low to high (worm-eye view) or high to low (bird-eye view) to create unexpected compositions that make familiar objects look fresh and new.
In turn, slightly tilting the camera can add to dynamics, giving even the most static objects a more off-balance feeling. Abstract compositions often lead to some of the weirdest pictures ever taken because lines and shapes become more important than the object itself in such photos.
Furthermore, try varying focus points to highlight textures or create blurry, hazy backgrounds and draw the viewer’s attention to the core object. Selective focus, for instance, isolates certain parts of an object. You can achieve this by using portrait mode on your smartphone.
Tip #4. Snap pictures with weird objects
Many objects may seem so mundane and unworthy of being captured on camera that it’s easy to pass them by mindlessly. Still, it can be those strange things caught on camera that people are often fascinated by. Things like a cracked sidewalk or a bunch of coffee shop chairs tied together can be odd at first sight, but you don’t want to skip them when outside. Rusted metal, broken things dumped on the street, and gnarled tree roots can invite the viewer to think deeper, creating an unusual contrast.
The point is: don’t hesitate to experiment with everyday junk to craft intriguing scenes. Place ordinary objects in unique contexts, and listen to your intuition to provoke thought and display creative, convincing juxtapositions.
Tip #5. Share your shots with people
Don’t keep your creative work to yourself, as things caught on camera can validate your creative efforts and motivate you to explore the niche further. Even if a photo seems simple, it can evoke different emotions or ideas in others, giving way to conversations about your unique perspective. After all, posting your progress helps you track your journey. Plus, sharing images is effortless in the era of social media.
For example, use Instagram to showcase your creativity to a broad audience. The platform is ideal for photography lovers, offering hashtags and communities where you can demonstrate your photos while curating your feed with new trends and techniques. Pinterest, on the other hand, is best for finding like-minded creators. You can craft themed boards, pin your work, and participate in photography groups that praise aesthetics.
Preserving Digital Memories: Creating Photo Books from Your Smartphone(Opens in a new browser tab)
The best thing about photographing everyday objects is that you can practice it whenever and wherever you are. Through habit, creativity, experimentation, and the tips mentioned, you can progress in your journey and catch evocative images by pointing and shooting with your smartphone camera. Start seeing the world around you with fresh and curious eyes. Step outside with your mobile device, watch, and be ready—you never know what ordinary thing might become your next stunning photograph.
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