American Moms Say They Need Quiet Time for Their Mental Health and 42% Wish They Had More of It

From tackling mountains of laundry to solving third-grade math problems — all while the soundtrack of “Mom, mom, mom!” plays on a loop — it’s no wonder American mothers are exhausted. Just because it takes superhuman abilities to get the kids fed, clothed, and out the door in the morning doesn’t mean moms don’t have basic needs. (Even Wonder Woman snuck in a catnap here and there.) 

A new Solitaire Bliss study is shedding light on what moms across America truly need, and quiet time is at the top of the list. Almost half of all moms (42%) say they wish they had more time to themselves. Think about it — that’s around 40 million moms! 

What Moms in America Need from Their Families

So, why is quiet time so important for moms? Well, for starters, it’s crucial for mental health. A whopping 86% of moms say peace and quiet helps them stay mentally strong, while another 73% say it makes them feel more upbeat. And let’s be honest, a happy and positive mom is at the heart of a happy and positive home. 

Plus, 45% need it to recharge their social battery — because yes, even moms need a break from people sometimes, especially if their social lives are dominated by hanging with the kids. 

Now, you might be wondering, why is getting this quiet time so difficult? On average, 1 in 4 moms have less than 2 hours to themselves each week. That’s barely enough time to finish a cup of coffee without interruption!

Half of all moms wish their spouses or partners helped out more with chores. But here’s the thing: 70% of moms would rather just do things themselves than ask for help. This could be because they feel guilty asking, or maybe they just know they can get the job done faster themselves.

So, what can you do to help mom get that much-needed peace and quiet? Easy! The more you help out around the house, the more free time she has to spend. 

When they do get the time, here are some of moms’ favorite ways to unwind:

Where Moms Get Peace and Quiet in America

Turns out, some states are better than others when it comes to giving moms peace and quiet. 

Moms in Minnesota take the cake! They get the most “me time” compared to moms in other states and mostly spend it watching movies and TV (67%). Bonus points for Minnesota dads — sounds like they’re pulling their weight!

Pennsylvania and North Carolina follow closely behind in terms of quiet time for moms. Moms in these states also love watching movies and TV (65% in PA, 75% in NC) and catching up on sleep (51% in PA, 69% in NC) when they get a chance. 

And though they don’t quite beat out Minnesota for peace and quiet, Pennsylvania and North Carolina moms seem a little bit more satisfied overall with how much their families help out — about three-quarters of moms in these states are content with it versus 69% in Minnesota. 

Anneliese Lawton on Maternal Mental Health Exclusive Interview(Opens in a new browser tab)


Solitaire Bliss’s study is a much-needed reminder that moms are people, too. Just like anyone else, they need time to recharge and take care of themselves. So, this week, why not offer to help with the dishes, take the kids out for an afternoon, or tackle that chore mom always complains about? A little peace and quiet can go a long way in creating a happier, healthier home for everyone.

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