Anizzy’s Upcoming Single – The Return

Aniketh Sanjiv, known in the music scene as Anizzy, was born in Kerala, India, and raised in Houston, Texas. After struggling with the dogma and cultural beliefs of his household, he lost sight of who he was as well as his calling. Having been born in India, his family had strict and specific expectations for what his career should be. Simply put, pursuing music is not considered an acceptable path within his family’s culture. However, with the help of his mentor and world-renowned Trinidadian tablist Dexter Raghunanan, his outlook on life shifted. He was soon able to take back up his real passion, music. Most prominently known for his first R&B album, “Fallen,” his cultural accents and unique sound is both melancholy and inspiring. 

Anizzy’s unconventional sound and good vibes positively influence the music scene, where he’s already receiving modest success. He combines aspects of Bollywood music into the sounds of today’s R&B to create something truly groundbreaking. One of his singles, “Stargazing,” has already been streamed over 40,000 times on Spotify alone and still growing.

Anizzy’s upcoming single, “The Return,” created with sound engineer Dyllyn Greer of Houstonology Studios, will feature even more of his melancholy chronicles. In this track, he speaks about the misery of returning to his 9-5 job and how he’d relinquish it if only he didn’t need it to carry on. Ironically, his only option to support his music career is another job entirely, and the somber and bleak emotions show through. With the release of his upcoming single, “The Return,” he looks to further prove to the world that he’s someone you should pay very close attention to. “The Return” will be released on October 28th via all major streaming platforms. In the meantime, connect with Anizzy to learn more about his career and music by clicking the links below.

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