Benefits of hiring foreign workers: Enhancing growth and innovation

As labor shortages continue to impact businesses across all sectors in the US, companies need to seek out alternative solutions to grow and remain competitive. While automation and technological investments are vital, foreign workers are another crucial resource that companies should consider.

This article will explore the benefits of tapping into the global talent pool, the role of the EB-3 visa program in connecting foreign workers with U.S. employers, and why businesses should prioritize investing in foreign workers alongside technological advancements.

The Dramatic Shortage of Workers Throughout the US

The US is currently experiencing a massive labor crunch, with a shortage of almost 10 million workers and with unfilled job openings across various industries – particularly manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and IT. In the US, the demand for skilled and unskilled workers in these fields far outweighs the available domestic talent. Therefore, businesses need to look beyond our borders to recruit workers and maintain economic growth.

Understanding the Worldwide Talent Landscape and Capturing the Opportunity

As labor shortages persist, businesses should invest in foreign workers to access a diverse pool of talented individuals with unique skills, perspectives, and expertise. By doing so, businesses are promoting greater collaboration and innovation while filling the immediate labor shortage. Embracing a multicultural workforce can help businesses expand their international operations as well, as foreign employees often possess invaluable cultural and linguistic knowledge that are crucial to navigating key foreign markets.

How the EB-3 Visa Program Connects Foreign Workers with US Employers

The US government offers the EB-3 visa program to facilitate the hiring of foreign workers. This program enables US businesses to sponsor foreign nationals for permanent residency in the US based on their work experience, skills, and education. The EB-3 program consists of three categories:

  1. Skilled workers: Individuals with at least two years of job experience or training.
  2. Professionals: Individuals with a U.S. bachelor’s degree or a foreign equivalent of it.
  3. Unskilled workers: Individuals performing unskilled labor with no education or experience requirements.

Leveraging the EB-3 visa program can help businesses to attract highly skilled foreign professionals and to stay ahead in the global market. It also helps businesses to alleviate pressure on their existing workers by giving them greater support.

foreign workers

The Benefits of Investing in Foreign Workers Alongside Investing in Tech 

Despite the current focus on technology and automation, human capital remains a crucial element of any thriving organization. Companies must prioritize both people and technology as their sectors evolve. Investing in foreign workers can yield significant benefits for businesses; there are three key reasons why it should be a priority:

  1. Addressing Labor Shortages and Improving Business Resilience: Investing in foreign workers effectively addresses labor shortages and ensures business operations run smoothly, despite the local skills and labor gap. Companies that are experienced in accessing the global talent pool are also more resilient to domestic labor fluctuations. 
  2. Enhancing Creativity and Innovation: Including foreign workers with different experiences and backgrounds fosters creativity and innovation in the business’ overall workforce. Foreign workers bring new ideas and perspectives, which are invaluable to product development and cutting-edge services. 
  3. Developing Culture and Limiting Turnover: Foreign workers are more likely to commit to their employers for the long term when they are receiving permanent residency. The EB-3 visa program gives workers a real sense of stability, which fosters job satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, the right onboarding process generates more engagement with the worker. This all results in reduced employee turnover as foreign workers are more dedicated to their employers under the EB-3 program. 

The current labor crunch in the US brings both challenges and opportunities for businesses. Investing in foreign workers unlocks a wealth of untapped talent that can not only fill immediate labor shortages but also drives innovation and growth. The EB-3 visa program serves as a bridge that connects US employers with skilled foreign professionals, offering a viable solution to the labor crisis. Furthermore, while automation and technology can improve efficiency and productivity, a diverse workforce that includes foreign workers can unlock business resilience at home and can create opportunities for global expansion abroad. Companies will be better equipped to thrive on the global stage if they are open to benefit from the unique perspectives and skills brought by foreign workers.

Manuel Lievano is CEO of MCC USA, an organization providing a global workforce solution for US companies with labor shortages. MCC USA helps companies to recruit foreign workers under the EB-3 immigration category, providing companies with end-to-end support – from candidate identification to assessment, recruitment, and onboarding. MCC USA has a recruiting presence in more than 52 countries worldwide. 

Manuel has more than a decade of experience in the recruiting field in Canada and in the US. He holds a BA in Economics from the University of Minnesota. 

Connect with Manuel on LinkedIn or find out more about MCC USA at 

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Manuel Lievano is CEO of MCC USA, a leading provider of global workforce solutions. MCC USA connects US companies experiencing labor shortages with foreign workers who want to obtain permanent residency in the US.

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