Boos, The First Dating Platform for Persian Jewish Singles by Arash Barmaan Making Marriage Easy in the Persian Jewish Community

Due to home restrictions and social distancing for the past couple of years, people have turned to online dating apps to maintain their social connections. But for Persian Jews, it isn’t this simple as they have to marry and start a family within their community. In other words, they can only date and marry another Jew who is also preferably a Persian. Arash Barmaan has solved this problem once and for all in recent years. He has launched an app called Boos that matches you with the best suitable Persian Jew around you. Simply put, you can also call it timber or Persian Jews. In addition to being a convenient way to stay connected, dating apps like Boos are also a great stress reliever, particularly when they help you connect with individuals who are serious about marriage, especially within the Jewish Persian community.


Boos – How It Works

According to your preferences and how you expect your partner to be, you can choose your Jewish Persian dating partner on Boos. It may be the beginning of a new relationship if you have a perfect match! Boos allows you to browse through many different profiles within the Persian Jewish community based on your preferences. When you use Boos, the algorithm uses your details such as age, location, height, gender, and ethnicity to find matches based on your liking.


Making Marriage Easy

Arash believes that if you have found the right person and you’re both ready for marriage, the social and financial barriers between you should not exist. Along the way, you will discover more about each other as you deal with career changes, family challenges, etc. Many of these experiences might become cherished memories for you. Arash has not come up with a concept this revolutionary for the first time. A few years back he founded Poly. It was an app that facilitates the marriage and dating of polygamists, i.e. people who want more than one spouse together.


How to Use Boos

One of the app’s commendable features is that it enables you to find someone from the Persian Jewish community in the desired location. Boos lets you find your perfect match based on your preferred location, letting you access your profile from your phone. With Boos, anyone looking for love can sign up, create an account, and begin searching for the right match despite their racial, social, and economic background. Boos does not require that you are Jewish Persian.


Marriage in the Persian Jewish Community

It is not uncommon for Persian-Jewish couples to be strict about who they wish to spend the rest of their lives with. Their preference is to marry Jewish people who are also preferably Persians. While there are very few people in the community and population that have had forbidden or taboo relationships or marriages, it is solely up to you how to live your life. Often, people convert so they can begin a new life-long adventure with their partner. Considering this, Boos is an even more desirable option because it allows members of the community to find the partner within the confines of their religious and social beliefs.


The Concept

The concept behind Boos is original and unique. Nothing like it has ever been done before. Despite the fact that there are already dating applications for Persians and Jews, Boos is the only one that is available to both communities. There are two ways to access Boos services at the moment: the Boos dating app and the Boos website. Additionally, an android application version will be available very soon, as Arash and his team are currently developing it.


Dating With Confidence

An introvert is prone to feeling nervous and experiencing goosebumps when they interact with others. They may feel anxious and panicky, which might put them in an awkward situation. Being a Persian Jew, you can even experience this when you have a very brief dating experience. Thanks to Boos, this problem was solved for the very first time! Persian Jews have a hard time finding a perfect match within their community, and this app literally solved this problem for them. In the Jewish Persian community, Boos is the best option for those who need emotional intimacy.


Humble Beginnings

Arash Barmaan was born in Los Angeles. Like many middle eastern parents, his parents wanted him to grow up to be a lawyer, a doctor, or an engineer. In contrast, Arash was passionate about basketball and dreamed of becoming an NBA star one day.


The Basketball Journey

It was his dream to play basketball in high school. The Santa Monica College men’s basketball team accepted him after he was expelled from the high school team for racist reasons. There weren’t many spots available for tryouts because many were reserved for recruits and returning players. But Arash wasn’t giving up. He believed he still stood a chance of becoming a professional basketball player, so he played overseas and later tried out for the NBA. That was the career he thought would be the most suitable for him.


Becoming a CEO

Since all odds were against him, he was in no good position. His genetic background and origin would prevent him from achieving success as a player. The exhaustion and injury he would suffer when he retired would be even worse. All of these events led to his change of direction. He aspired to become a CEO in addition to being a basketball player. With extensive research and careful thought, he created Boos, an online dating app for Persian-Jewish singles. In order to complete his degree in sports administration, Arash is transferring to the University of Miami. He is continuing to run his business as well.



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