Cartoon Characters Impact Children’s Views on Bullying


In a world where bullying remains a critical issue affecting children, one man’s creative approach is making waves in the educational sector. Stephen T Tako, founder of Motivated To Act and the brain behind the award-winning children’s book and film series Junga the Dancing Yeti®, is revolutionizing the way children perceive and address bullying. With a mission deeply rooted in reducing bullying and discrimination, Tako’s initiative is fostering empathy, inclusion, and participation among early primary school-aged children.

A Mission Born from Personal Experience

Stephen Tako’s journey into anti-bullying advocacy is not just professional—it’s personal. Having been a victim of bullying himself, Tako has spent the last 12 years meticulously crafting the Junga stories. These narratives, along with an award-winning school curriculum, aim to impart crucial social and emotional learning to children during their formative years. The result is a comprehensive program that not only entertains but educates and empowers young minds to stand against bullying.

The Confident Life™ Program: A Beacon of Hope

The crown jewel of Tako’s efforts is the Confident Life™ program, an evidence-based curriculum designed to combat bullying through education. Awarded the 2023 Family Seal of Approval for Innovation in Curriculum by the Child Safety Network®, this program is currently piloting at the San Diego Cooperative Charter School. Tailored for K-3rd grades, it features age-appropriate lessons on bullying prevention, fair play, anti-discrimination, empathy, and inclusion.

The curriculum is rich with interactive elements such as role-playing, open discussions, games, and Feeling Charts, all woven into the fabric of the Junga the Dancing Yeti® series. This innovative approach not only makes learning engaging but also ensures that the lessons leave a lasting impact on the children.

A Storytelling Approach with Global Appeal

The Junga series is notable for its international cast of voiceover talent, including the involvement of five former NFL players in the third story, which adopts a football theme. This global appeal and the incorporation of real-life heroes into the narrative add an extra layer of relatability and inspiration for the children.

Stephen Tako, alongside former NFL Seattle Seahawks player Dave DesRochers, plans to visit schools to promote the Confident Life™ program. Their efforts will be further amplified by the introduction of a Junga costume, bringing the beloved character to life at anti-bullying rallies and events.

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A Future Free of Bullying

Stephen Tako’s Motivated To Act and the Junga the Dancing Yeti® series represent more than just an anti-bullying campaign. They embody a movement towards a future where children are equipped with the tools and understanding needed to create inclusive, empathetic, and safe learning environments. Through storytelling and innovative curriculum, Tako is not just changing the narrative around bullying—he’s shaping a new generation of thoughtful, confident, and kind individuals.

As the Confident Life™ program continues to gain traction, its potential to transform schools and communities is immense. By addressing bullying at its roots and promoting positive values, Stephen T Tako and his team are laying the groundwork for a world where every child can learn and grow free from fear and discrimination.

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