Chris Level On Making Powerful Soundtracks, Music Review And More


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Chris level is one of the best sync composers and is a pretty good sync artist when you count other sync artists,he started as early as this February this year(2022) but also plans to go as far as forever. I interviewed Chris about how he makes normal songs turn into powerful soundtracks like lose ma cool and tell me. “I always want to make people feel all types of moods. When i was younger i was a mood-y guy, I would cry a lot,get sad a lot,get happy for the tiniest reasons and get all types of moods real quick,so i want to be able to share that through my passion and to let people know that it’s okay to feel moods” Chris said. When reviewing Chris’s soundtracks, everything was just fine and simple but something hit me hard when i paid close attention to his vocals and it was amazing. Chris level’s voice especially on his soundtrack ‘lose ma cool’ is stunningly and breathy smooth as if it’s someone who is whispering onto your ear and calming you down. For a soundtrack that was supposed to be dancey its a bit off but after we asked him why he sang like that he responded that it was what the soundtrack was to be, “lose ma cool is a different kind of soundtrack as it inspires many different types of emotions from sadness, to happiness and a lot more. When I was writing it I remember that people started to cry and I asked them why and they told me it was sad,but I wanted to make it dancey not sad. I guess the song itself has what I can call a ‘wide emotional appeal”’ Chris said,the soundtrack also is more pop-y but in a good way. This year was a good year for Chris as a debut year,he already met success and achieved a lot which is something nice for a sync artist who is new in the industry. Chris level also made multiple announcements for a future project he’s about to work on at the end of July in an interview with tea ron on the ubiquitous blacks podcast, he stated that the project is the biggest he got for now which is also among the popular on TikTok with over 200m views on the platform combined.

It’s great to see Chris make great music and soundtracks for beautiful scenes to deliver the “emotion” for the people to enjoy.

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