Comprehensive Move Out Cleaning List for Every Room


Once the time comes to move out of your home, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by all the cleaning that must be done. An extensive move-out cleaning list is necessary to ensure that all areas of your home are in tip-top shape for the next occupants.

From top to bottom, this article will provide a comprehensive move out cleaning list for every room in your home. With this detailed guide, you will be able to confidently tackle any spot in the house and ensure nothing is left behind.

So let’s get started!

Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

Dust all surfaces, including countertops, shelves, and appliances. Clean inside and outside of the refrigerator, microwave, oven, dishwasher, and other kitchen appliances. Make sure to wipe down the backsplash. Clean the sink and faucet and scrub grease and grime off the stovetop.

Make sure to place the kitchen stuff in a separate box and label it so you can easily unpack it. It’s crucial to keep the kitchen stuff clean so you can avoid the spread of microorganisms from one place to another.

With the help of professional cleaning companies, you can ensure a spotless, clean kitchen and a safe environment. With their trained and experienced cleaners, you can be sure that your kitchen is properly sanitized and disinfected with the right cleaning methods.

Make sure to check out to help ensure your kitchen looks its best for years to come!

Living Room

Dust all furniture, shelves, window sills, and baseboards. Vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture. Wipe down surfaces such as tables and coffee tables with a damp cloth or duster. Clean mirrors and windows with glass cleaner.

Wipe down windows and mirrors and disinfect remotes, door handles, and other high-touch areas. Vacuum or spot-clean upholstered furniture before carrying it to the moving truck to avoid the spread of dust to the new home.


Dust furniture, shelves, picture frames, and other surfaces.Vacuum carpets and floors. Wipe down windowsills and window blinds. Clean mirrors and glass surfaces. Remove all personal items from dressers, nightstands, closets, etc. Empty all drawers and cabinets of any stored items. 

Clean out the interior of closets; remove all hangers, shelving units, and more. Wipe down interior walls with a clean, damp cloth or sponge to remove dust build-up or any dirt marks left behind from hanging artwork or wall hangings. Dispose of all rubbish in trash cans or recycling bins appropriately.

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Remove all personal items from shelves, drawers, and cabinets. Clean and disinfect all surfaces of the bathroom, including tile, sink, counters, shower/tub, etc. Wipe down mirrors and fixtures to remove fingerprints or dirt.

Vacuum and shampoo carpets if necessary. Empty all trash cans in the bathroom and dispose of contents properly. Make sure all lightbulbs are working properly, and replace any burned-out bulbs if needed.

Realize the Importance of Having A Move-Out Cleaning List

By following this comprehensive move-out cleaning list from top to bottom in every room of your old home, you can ensure that it is left in pristine condition for its new residents. Remember that moving involves more than just packing boxes and transferring utilities.

It also requires careful consideration of cleanliness and organization. So whether you’re loading up the moving truck yourself or hiring professionals for the job, make sure move-out cleaning remains at the top of your priority list during this exciting but often overwhelming process!  Did you find this article helpful? Check out the rest of our blogs!

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