When one is sloughing their way through medical school, looks, fashion, and personal style are probably not high on the list of priorities. It’s all late nights, studying, and planning for the future. However, for Dr. Karanpal Dhaliwal, personal style and attention to detail in dress have always come part and parcel with his journey in medicine.
Born and raised in India, Dr. Dhaliwal attended medical school in India before coming to the United States for his rotations and residency program in Arkansas. He brought a willingness to enter the medical profession with compassion, skill, and a bit of style as well.
“I love fashion, and I have always loved dressing up,” says Dr. Dhaliwal. His keen eye for style is apparent in his Instagram feed @docdhaliwal, where pictures of him at work are juxtaposed with Vogue-type shots of the well-coiffed doctor donning tailored suits and usually a smart pocket square that surely will remind you of 007, but in real life!
The doctor’s mix of style and substance has made him an MD to watch at Mercy Hospital Fort Smith in Fort Smith, Arkansas, where he currently works as an Internal Medicine Hospitalist, educating people about common preventative medical conditions and spreading positivity.
Helping others reach their dreams
Since his residency days, Dr. Dhaliwal has been interested in inspiring others. Today, “armed with a smile,” he helps new interns and residents find their footing at Mercy. “Becoming a physician is fundamentally a decision to serve something greater than yourself,” he says.
Dr. Dhaliwal always tries to keep in mind how long the journey can seem for new doctors and tries to be a light in what can sometimes be some long, dark days. “People always seem to appreciate my positivity,” he says. “I have a true passion for the profession. If I can treat my patients and my peers right, I feel accomplished.”
Style with substance
In addition to being a hardworking physician, Dr. Dhaliwal likes to play hard as well. A lover of fast cars and looking good, he has built a reputation around Mercy Hospital as a bit of a fashionista. “I’ve been asked if I’m a doctor or a model,” he says. Always dressed to impress, Dr. Dhaliwal also loves a good high-end watch and a classy perfume — anything that shows off a lifestyle that spells success.
A fan of luxury brands, cars like the McLaren, and Michelin Star restaurants, Dr. Dhaliwal feels he is showing interns and residents coming up after him what hard work and dedication to a calling can bring. “Success is not an accident. It’s about learning, study, and sacrifice and — most of all — loving what you do,” he says.
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Now that he’s a full-time Hospitalist, Dr. Dhaliwal is settling into what he is sure will be a lifelong career full of accomplishments. When asked about his personal life, he replied with a smile, “No one has it all figured out. When we start a new job or any new chapter of our lives, it’s okay not to know everything. We learn by trial and error. You just have to focus on giving your best in every situation and love unconditionally with no regrets. No one but you needs to believe in you.”
Dr. Dhaliwal hopes that through his endless positivity and eye-catching style, he can inspire others to reach their goals and create something that will leave a lasting impression.
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