DMGD Drops the Mic: A New Era of Music


What first got you into music?

I think it was always in my blood. Kind of like how in a fictional world people would get their superpowers as they got older. So, my mom used to play this old Kenny Rogers hits album every time we were driving when I was a little kid. Naturally, the first song I ever sang was Through the Years at age 4, and the music in me grew with every year onward.

Who inspired you to make music?

I always knew I wanted to do this; perform to some caliber and create art. I got inspired when I was younger and I used to visit my great-grandma. We would always watch old Shirley Temple movies, and I couldn’t fathom how someone that young was able to pull so much weight. Sky was the limit. After that, I remember asking for a “recording studio” for Christmas to write and record my own music. I got a tape recorder, but the gesture was there- and I was able to start fooling around with being musically creative, which ended up never stopping.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

My music is shaped by my life experiences. Whether it’s something I’ve been through or dreamt about. I’ve definitely felt some type of way about what I’m writing. Most of the time I create music to heal and it’s always for myself first, which leads to writing all the time.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Definitely, the iconic Hayley Kiyoko. She’s been one of the most fearless LGBTQ+ pop artists I’ve seen from the beginning.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

Hands down, a pipe dream but Miley Cyrus is. I have always been a fan, and I’m just in awe of her artistry on such a broad scale. She’s a living legend.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

Keep streaming, keep sharing, we got this, xx. Fingers crossed that I’ll see you on the road soon <3

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

Drastically. It really opens your eyes to how big the world actually is. Now, it is wildly different from back when I began doing this in 2015. I’m super old school because I feel artists should still have some mystery and awe. Personally, I’m a pretty private person. If I’m going to do a post on social media, it’s related to the music- the art I’m putting out into the world. I believe the greatest artists focus on the music, which is most important.

Which famous musicians do you admire?

I’ve been blessed to have grown up on great music. I admire the great Louis Armstrong, Al Green, Jim Croce, Kenny Rogers, and Frank Sinatra. That’s off the top of my head. Those are the artists that have played a massive impact in their own ways; shaping my writing, and even my beliefs.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Create for yourself, and not for others. It’s so easy to get lost in “creating a hit” or “I want to do what he did” but it’s inauthentic. A knockoff will never be real. Create for yourself, trust your gut instincts, and give it your all always.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

The ideology that you must live in Los Angeles to have a music career. Music is where the soul is. It’s limitless.

What’s next for you?

DMGD is gearing up to release his debut EP, “Bad For My Health,” in the summer of this year. The EP will take you on his journey of dating lousy men. Bringing you all the sass, pettiness, and sexiness you could want from the budding superstar.

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