“Robots are taking over the world!” – a refrain I’m hearing more and more these days. And while everyone is clearly joking….there is an underlying sense of FEAR that permeates changing technology in business. Especially when it comes to the idea of robots taking over our JOBS and our ability to make a living. The truth is the pace of technological change is accelerating faster than ever before. Forbes predicts that AI will replace 85 million jobs in the U.S. by 2025….but wait! – experts also predict that there will be 95 million job OPENINGS because of artificial intelligence. What does all of it mean?!?! It is essential for businesses to adapt and evolve with technology in order to stay relevant and competitive. The most resilient businesses will be those that flow and evolve with technology and use it as a tool to build RELATIONSHIPS with customers. So go ahead – embrace those pivots! And start seeing AI for the opportunity it is!
An Example Of Technological Change In Business
Technology is a dynamic force that is constantly changing and evolving. And in the last decade alone, we’ve witnessed INCREDIBLE advancements that have revolutionized our daily lives. From the rise of smartphones to the proliferation of social media platforms…..and now the emergence of AI….the pace of technological innovation has been unprecedented. According to the latest data, ChatGPT currently has over 100 million users. And the website currently generates 1.8 billion visitors per month! What’s even crazier is this traffic growth was achieved in a record-breaking three-month period (from February 2023 to April 2023).
Using Technology For Data Analysis And Data-Driven Decisions
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses that embrace changing technology in business are WAY more likely to thrive. And even though you may roll your eyes at “yet another thing” to learn….leveraging technology can help any entrepreneur: improve efficiency, streamline processes, and reduce costs. And hey, if you become best friends with your data, you can start to make smart, DATA-DRIVEN decisions without the influence of your ego!
And all of that is pretty spectacular. But one of the most important things to consider about tech is its ability to help you BUILD RELATIONSHIPS.
Smart Businesses Use Technology To Build Positive Customer Relationships
Changing technology in business can sometimes get a “bad wrap” as a cold and emotionless tool that takes all “human-ness” out of an experience. But if leveraged in the right way (by warm-blooded mammals fuelled by love), tech can actually be something that CONNECTS with our clients on a deeper level.
By using technology, businesses can actually personalize the customer experience by tailoring interactions to meet individual needs and preferences. This can happen via personalized marketing campaigns, targeted recommendations, or interactive customer support – all of which can create some pretty badass customer loyalty.
So yes! Go ahead! Use AI to help you with your content creation. But don’t forget the bigger strategy: moving REAL PEOPLE into real experiences with your business. Use lead magnets (created with the help of robots) to funnel potential customers toward your: email list, podcast, blog post, free workshop, or open house. And remember that, at the end of the day, you want to create LASTING CONNECTIONS that transcend the digital realm.
Leverage Changing Technology In Business As A Competitive Advantage
It’s up to you – changing technology in business can be viewed as “the enemy” or your greatest ally. And if you want to stay relevant and competitive in business….I’m going to suggest you choose the latter.
Yes, tech can be a GREAT support to all of your logic-based systems….and a wonderful tool for helping with content creation! But it’s important to remember that your ultimate goal is to build a deeper relationship with your audience – and technology can help you ENHANCE all of your personal interactions when used correctly.
And hey! Even if tech “isn’t your thing”….you can always delegate! Invest in tech-savvy team members or external experts, and start viewing technology as an OPPORTUNITY for growth and innovation.
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