Empower Media’s Molly Kristick: Embracing Personal Branding in the Influencer Era


In an era where social media influencers reign supreme and the digital landscape is saturated with countless marketing messages, establishing a potent personal brand has never been more imperative. Molly Kristick, the Senior Vice President of Empower Media, is at the forefront of this revolution, demonstrating how a strong personal brand can be the key to standing out and making an indelible mark in the industry.

Molly Kristick’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of a well-crafted personal brand. With a decade of experience under her belt, navigating the complexities of traditional, digital, and experiential media, Kristick has mastered the art of branding not just for her clients but for herself as well. Her role in leading the Media Agent arm of Empower Media, which focuses on providing Fortune 500 level tech to clients with a 10M or less media budget, showcases her innovative approach to marketing and business development.

Kristick’s strategic vision has been pivotal in positioning Empower Media as a market leader, aligning business goals with market and client needs through a forward-thinking marketing platform. Her pioneering efforts in digital transformation, leveraging AI and data analytics, have set new standards in campaign effectiveness and efficiency. This digital innovation is a cornerstone of Kristick’s personal brand, highlighting her ability to anticipate trends and harness cutting-edge technologies to drive success.

At the heart of Kristick’s personal brand is her unwavering commitment to client relations and campaign excellence. Her ability to cultivate strong, lasting relationships with key clients, such as her leadership role with GNC’s account, speaks volumes of her dedication and trustworthiness. Kristick’s knack for orchestrating high-impact marketing campaigns that drive brand visibility and engagement further cements her reputation as a leader in the field.

Despite her professional achievements, what truly sets Kristick apart is her leadership philosophy. With a style as dry as a martini and as sharp as a freshly pressed suit, she believes in leading by example, demonstrating a “roll up your sleeves” attitude that earns respect and admiration from her team. This personal touch, combined with her strategic prowess and innovative mindset, makes Molly Kristick a formidable force in the media industry.

Understanding, Developing, and Promoting Your Unique Identity through Personal branding(Opens in a new browser tab)

In today’s competitive market, establishing a personal brand is not just about standing out—it’s about connecting, influencing, and leading with authenticity. Molly Kristick’s journey at Empower Media exemplifies how a strong personal brand, built on a foundation of strategic vision, digital innovation, and genuine relationships, can empower individuals to reach new heights of success. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Kristick’s approach offers valuable insights for anyone looking to establish their personal brand in the age of influencers.

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