Empowering Underrepresented Leaders: The Journey and Vision of Dawn Morton-Young


Dawn Morton-Young is not just another name in the realm of executive coaching; she is a catalyst for change, particularly for those who have traditionally found themselves on the fringes of corporate leadership. As a Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Strategist, Executive Coach, and Speaker, Dawn has dedicated her career to transforming the landscape of corporate leadership by uplifting underrepresented leaders. Her mission is clear: to increase diversity at the board and C-suite levels and make a tangible difference for minority groups within the workplace by supporting them in enhancing their mindsets and skillsets.

Dawn’s journey into executive coaching is marked by her own experiences as an underrepresented leader in the corporate world. She identified niche challenges faced by leaders from diverse backgrounds that were not being addressed by existing coaching programs. These experiences fueled her passion for creating coaching frameworks that cater specifically to the unique needs of these leaders. As the only NLP-qualified executive coach with a deep understanding of the psychological barriers faced by those from diverse ethnicities, genders, and with disabilities, Dawn brings a distinctive and empathetic approach to her coaching.

Dawn’s contributions to the field have not gone unnoticed. She was featured on the Most Influential list at the HRI Awards in 2021 and has been nominated for the Positive Role Model for Gender at The National Diversity Awards. Additionally, she is a 2022 Baton Award nominee. These accolades are a testament to her impact and dedication. Impressively, Dawn boasts an 89% success rate in supporting senior leaders from diverse groups in securing C-suite roles. This figure reflects the effectiveness of her coaching programs, both group-based and one-on-one, over the past three years.

Despite her success, Dawn has faced significant challenges in getting her voice heard in the crowded coaching industry. She recalls periods of struggle where it seemed her message was not resonating. However, Dawn’s determination led her to build a strong community, particularly through LinkedIn and Instagram. By connecting directly with individuals, she created a ripple effect that brought her services into corporate organizations. Her work with women of color, in particular, has been instrumental in rallying support within internal organizations.

Dawn’s wisdom is rooted in empathy and self-kindness. She emphasizes the importance of treating oneself with the same compassion one would offer a close friend facing similar challenges. Her coaching philosophy revolves around meeting leaders where they are, with genuine empathy and culturally relevant techniques. This approach helps her clients authentically assess the skills, mindsets, and habits they need to develop to succeed without compromising their identity.

Looking ahead, Dawn envisions her boutique organization, The Diverse Leaders Coach, as a global leader in promoting inclusion and elevation of underrepresented individuals in corporate spaces. She aims for her group coaching and mentoring programs to be implemented in 25% of all listed organizations as a starting point. On a personal level, Dawn aspires to broaden her impact through various media channels, books, and speaking engagements. She is committed to holding space for diverse individuals, particularly women of color, ensuring they know they are not alone in their experiences and that they can overcome barriers without losing their authenticity.

Dawn Morton-Young’s story is a powerful reminder of the necessity of specialized coaching for diverse leaders. Her unique perspective, rooted in empathy and cultural understanding, addresses gaps that standard coaching programs often overlook. As she continues to expand her reach and influence, Dawn’s work underscores the urgency of making corporate leadership more inclusive and representative of diverse voices.

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For more information about Dawn Morton-Young and her transformative work, visit her website www.dawnmortonyoung.com and follow her on LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube under the handle @DiverseLeadersCoach. Her journey is a testament to the impact of inclusive coaching and the importance of representation in leadership roles.

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