EMTG: Engineering Excellence in Construction


In the bustling world of construction and design, where innovation meets functionality, one firm has consistently risen above the rest to set new standards of excellence. EMTG, under the visionary leadership of founder Shahram Lotfi, has carved a niche for itself as a premier consulting engineering firm since its inception in 1988. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, EMTG has not only survived but thrived in the increasingly demanding business climate of today, offering unparalleled engineering and related services to its clients.

A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence

At its core, EMTG is fueled by a mission to deliver the best and most cost-effective solutions to each problem within the confines of time, budget, and functional space requirements. This multi-disciplined engineering and design service powerhouse caters to the building construction industry, setting benchmarks with its innovative project approaches and a rich mix of talent and experience.

In today’s unpredictable engineering environment, EMTG’s clients rely on the firm to not only anticipate the direction of change but also to plan meticulously for the future. From the initial planning stages through to construction, EMTG’s pragmatic and cost-effective solutions have become its trademark. Whether working on large pharmaceutical plants, Wall Street trading floors, small basement retail spaces, or residential units, EMTG brings the same level of enthusiasm, commitment to quality, and prompt project delivery.

A Collaborative Approach to Engineering

What sets EMTG apart is its collaborative approach, backed by rigorous attention to detail and a relentless pursuit of improvement. The firm’s ability to consistently find ingenious ways to design and engineer projects, improve specifications, and preemptively solve problems is a testament to its innovative spirit. This approach, coupled with a deep adherence to today’s and tomorrow’s trends in technology, systems, codes, and standards, as well as trends in construction means and methods, ensures that EMTG remains at the forefront of the industry.

The EMTG team’s dedication to their professional responsibilities, pride in their work, and unwavering focus on serving their clients well have sustained the firm’s growth and evolution for over three decades. It’s no surprise that a majority of EMTG’s clients are repeat customers, having first engaged the firm through word-of-mouth recommendations—a true mark of the firm’s impact and reputation within the industry.

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Looking to the Future

As EMTG continues its journey, the firm remains committed to its founding principles while embracing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The construction and engineering landscapes are ever-evolving, and EMTG is well-equipped to navigate these changes with its blend of experience, innovation, and a client-focused approach.

For those in the building construction industry seeking a partner that brings unparalleled expertise, innovative solutions, and a commitment to excellence, EMTG stands out as a beacon of engineering excellence. Under the leadership of Shahram Lotfi, EMTG is not just building structures; it’s shaping the future of the construction industry, one project at a time.

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