Fight Disease, Slow Aging, and Increase Energy with the Master Antioxidant- Dr. Nayan Patel

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, and Dr. Nayan Patel, the internationally recognized expert at the forefront of the latest Glutathione research, shares his roadmap for health, wellness, and vitality.

The body has a remarkable ability to ward off disease and heal itself – and it does so with the help of glutathione. This indispensable molecule – which we make ourselves – holds the key to immunity, vitality, and lifelong health, helping to flush out toxins and fight DNA-damaging free radicals. It’s been linked to longevity in centenarians, and it protects against diseases like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. This powerful antioxidant has many health benefits and is found in every cell in the human body. Glutathione is produced by the liver and is involved in just about every function in your body. It repairs and protects the body by rebuilding other essential antioxidants like Vitamin C and E and limiting oxidative stress. It is part of immune system function, tissue building, and repair, increases energy, reduces inflammation, and improves brain health and athletic performance. The more the body is producing, the better your body is functioning.  However, most people’s ability to produce glutathione declines after about the age of 20 and drops with each passing year. By the time you reach your forties, your GSH levels (glutathione) may drop by as much as 20%. That may not seem like a considerable handicap, but it can be if your body’s demand for glutathione is high: environmental insults, such as air pollution, toxins lurking in products you use, junk food eating, smoking, drinking, overwork, over worrying, and even excessive, vigorous exercise, can send your need for glutathione through the roof.

As natural glutathione levels drop, your body becomes more vulnerable to a long list of woes. Fatigue, low immunity, weight gain, and the list goes on. It does not have to be that way, however, as there is good evidence to suggest that you can maintain ample glutathione in your body by adopting lifestyle habits that both preserve and build the antioxidant.  In addition, it is also possible to increase glutathione levels through supplementation. 

Dr. Nayan Patel, founder of Auro Wellness, has spent his life researching glutathione and, in the process, trying to reduce the long-term impact of oxidative stress on the body. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals in the body, and uncontrolled oxidative stress can accelerate the aging process and may contribute to the development of a number of conditions.  Dr Patel’s mission was to combat stress levels and achieve improved overall health for his clients. Dr. Patel was determined to create a  solution that not only treated the symptoms of stress but worked with the body on a cellular level.  Upon discovering the plethora of health benefits from glutathione, Patel channeled his focus.  Extensive research allowed him to stabilize this powerful ingredient, improve its absorption, and increase its effectiveness, making this high level of ingredient and technology more accessible to those who need it.  This was his solution to increasing glutathione levels in the body for optimal results.

Dr Patel maintains that the best form of glutathione supplement is transdermal, but the formula needs to use glutathione in a small enough form to travel through the skin barrier. In his science laboratory, Dr. Patel, using subnano technology, discovered his ability to manipulate the actual glutathione molecule in order to keep it in a reduced (meaning that it’s ready to stabilize free radicals) and water-soluble form. This way, GSH can be delivered through the subnano water channels (pores) of the skin via a simple topical solution.  Auro Wellness currently offers the only topical absorbable glutathione on the market, Glutaryl, with a unique patented technology that ensures unrivaled and maximum absorbability, strength and effectiveness. Auro’s patented Glutaryl, which shrinks the glutathione, passes through the skin to repair cells, reducing oxidative stress. It is one of the first glutathione products to use sub-nanotechnology to deliver GSH in a highly absorbable form and is identical to how our own body produces GSH, using the same three amino acids in the correct sequence.  Most glutathione supplements available are capsules and liposomal liquids that go to the digestive system and are broken into various amino acids. The spray is an easy-to-use formula and the most absorbable product on the market. 

At the forefront of the latest glutathione research, Dr. Nayan Patel shares all the information needed to boost glutathione levels, revitalize the body, and transform health in his new book, The Glutathione Revolution. It is the ultimate detox and route to wellness, containing a wealth of practical information and three easy, accessible action plans that harness the power of glutathione which is involved in just about every function of the body.  His 14-day action plan kicks the body’s glutathione-making machinery into gear. It is a master detoxifier as it grabs onto waste of various toxins and flushes it out of the body. Patel’s test cases using glutathione with a doctor-supervised wellness plan shed 40 pounds in 12 weeks. Patel lost 22 pounds himself, and his 86-year-old father even reversed his diabetes. 

“The downturn in glutathione production as we grow older contributes to newfound pounds, and we are facing ever-increasing free radicals from stress, pollution, and processed foods. The greater the assault on your body, the greater the chance you will max out your glutathione stores,” says Nayan Patel, PharmD, author of The Glutathione Revolution and Founder of Auro Wellness. “Boosting your body’s levels of glutathione is the best way to detox. With glutathione, you teach the body to heal itself.”  

Mark Hyman MD, New York Times bestselling author, comments:

“We have long known that glutathione (GHS) plays an integral role in detoxing our systems and helping to prevent disease. But by we, I mean the medical establishment; unfortunately, very few people have ever heard of glutathione. So I’m grateful that in this book, pharmacist and researcher Nayan Patel is not only bringing glutathione to wider attention, he is also helping us understand how it works, where the GHS research has been – and where it’s heading – and, most important, how we can get more of it.” 

A Healthy Thyroid Needs Glutathione(Opens in a new browser tab)

Glutathione, undoubtedly a superhero antioxidant, could be the key to a wealth of health benefits and the reset our bodies need heading into 2022. Got glutathione?   

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