Get To Know MindFirst, The App That Boosts Employee Wellness

1. Tell us about MindFirst Health & Fitness.

MindFirst is a holistic health app bringing together the areas of nutrition, fitness, behavioral science, and meditation to support employee (an individual) wellness for the long term. There is also an emphasis on staying curious about why we make the decision we do about our health, delivered in short audio lessons called Mind Talks. Our program is informed, developed, and led by experts in these fields and the app itself is designed by leaders in user experience for a simple, intuitive feel.

Developing healthy habits that stick can be challenging. With the MindFirst holistic approach, the interconnection of your emotional, mental, and physical health is addressed and the foundation of mindfulness goes beyond quick fixes to support a healthier lifestyle for good.

2. What problem does the app solve?

Addressing the whole health of an individual, rather than the traditional piecemeal approach to mental, physical, and emotional health. Addressing all areas of your wellness leads to increased, more long-term lifestyle changes that can support your mood, your physical health, your sleep, and more. When we support the health of the individual, broader social benefits. There is a larger, positive impact on both workplace culture and your other relationships with family, friends, and your community.

3. Tell us about the Founder, Robert Jacobs. What is their background?/How did they come up with this idea?

Originally from Boston, Robert (Bob) Jacobs began his career in direct sales in 1975, and at age 23 entered the Insurance and Investment field. After a successful career in sales, Bob decided to start his own Employee Benefits Consulting firm and founded Baystate Benefit Services, Inc. in 1993. Baystate has grown to one of the top producing employee benefit consulting firms in Massachusetts.

While helping companies establish Health and Wellness programs through Baystate, he realized there was a lack of employee wellness programs with long-term success. His passion led to the creation and founding of MindFirst Health and Fitness to meet this gap. The program is built entirely around the philosophy that a healthy lifestyle starts with the” Mind First”. To create a holistic and multi-pronged approach, Mr. Jacobs pulled together experts in the areas of nutrition, health, psychology, mindfulness, and fitness. 

4. How can MindFirst transform our day-to-day lives?

Real change is slow; it can’t happen overnight. Members are able to use the parts of the app that work for them in the season they’re in. Maybe they feel pulled to move more, to strengthen their body and they love the efficient strength-building routines in the app. Or maybe the mind needs strengthening and the user chooses to listen to a mind talk, or complete a meditation challenge. Each user is gently guided to have an experience that is of benefit to them. 

5. What do customers love most about MindFirst?

The majority of our customers are employers who are seeking support for their employees’ well-being. They love our easy adoption, turnkey support, and access to overarching data to measure progress. They also love our unique place in the employee wellness market, moving beyond mindfulness and meditation to offer a “whole human” approach. Lastly, our members themselves love the ease of use, customization, and “smart friend” tone of our activities and offerings. Our MindTalks provide the “how,” while our other activities guide you on the “what.” This combination goes beyond a quick fix to ensure long-term lifestyle changes.

6. Where can people get this service?

If you are an employer, visit our employer landing page and either sign up for a free 30-day trial or schedule a call with a member of our team. If you are an individual looking for a boost to your wellness, try us for free for 7 days on your favorite app store (apple or google).

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