Guardians of Rescue Investigation Leads to Gruesome Unearthing of Dogs Killed for Profit

Guardians of Rescue assisted in a lengthy animal cruelty investigation that led to the arrest

SMITHTOWN, New York – (June 20, 2024) – Guardians of Rescue announces there has been an arrest in the Wayne County, Georgia case where there was a gruesome discovery. The organization worked with others to help unearth buried dogs that had been killed for profit by a self-proclaimed “rescuer.” They recovered the remains of an undisclosed number of animals, with more information pending the necropsy outcomes. 

“This was a massive investigation that led to a horrific outcome. We have to hold people accountable for their actions,” says Lea Moore, Director of Operations, SE Division of Guardians of Rescue. “The investigation to gather enough information to ensure the person is arrested and properly charged took a lot of time and effort, but we were patient, and it paid off.”

Guardians of Rescue heard of rumors that were spreading about a “rescuer” that people were suspicious about. The organization began a lengthy investigation into the matter and worked with Wayne County Animal Management and Sheriff Chuck Mosley to see to it that the case was handled correctly. The investigation led to the removal of property and dogs, with no live dogs removed from the property. 

The woman who was arrested is now being charged with 8 felony aggravated animal cruelty charges and 10 misdemeanor animal cruelty charges. There will likely be additional charges with the case still pending and the investigation continuing.

Guardians of Rescue have been collecting evidence on the case for over a year. During the investigation, they investigated leads, took complaints from local rescuers, pulled files (matching dogs to Facebook posts, grabbing intake and disposition forms, following pledge money, etc.), helped arrange the two days of dogs, evidence collecting and processing, etc. 

“We are grateful to everyone who contributed to seeing this animal cruelty case through,” added Moore. “Stopping something like this and ensuring the person is held accountable is a group effort. Thank you for your continued support. Without donations from our faithful Guardians supporters, our assistance in such cases would be impossible.”

This begs the question of whether animal cruelty is on the rise. According to USA Today, it is estimated that 10 million animals die from abuse or cruelty each year in the U.S. Another 250,000 each year are found to be victims of animal hoarding, with most of them living in unsanitary conditions. 

Guardians of Rescue provides various services to help save animals, reunite people and pets, investigate animal cruelty cases, and offer disaster response assistance, such as in the aftermath of hurricanes. Their work has impacted people and animals around the world. They can only continue their work through the generosity of those who donate to support the cause. To get more information or make a donation, visit the site at

About Guardians of Rescue

Headquartered in New York, Guardians of Rescue is an organization whose mission is to protect the well-being of all animals. It aids animals in distress, including rehabilitation, assisting other rescue groups, and supporting families, both military and not, who need assistance due to economic factors. To learn more about Guardians of Rescue, visit the site at Or, check them out on Facebook at @guardiansofrescue, Twitter @guardiansusa or Instagram @guardiansofrescue.

Guardians of Rescue: Animal Cruelty Doesn’t Take a Holiday Break(Opens in a new browser tab)


USA Today. Animal abuse facts and statistics 2024. February 2024.

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