Having Indoor Plants Improves Your Mood for the Better

According to social media and different research, the pandemic increased the purchase of indoor plants. As people were locked in their homes, trying to figure out what to do with their lives, they navigated the world of plants, flowers, and indoor gardening. Probably without realizing it, they were benefiting from this new hobby. Just like having a pet increases your chances of happiness, having indoor plants improves your mood for the better.


What plant experts say


Just like there are cat ladies and dog lovers, there are plant individuals. There is an entire lifestyle surrounding people who own plants, take care of them, and proudly display them for the world to see. This lifestyle spread during the pandemic as more and more people bought plants to keep them company.


Inna Atwood, from Hortibiz Dialy, highlights four benefits that improve people’s moods — therefore improving their lives.



Finding a purpose for living, enjoying quality sleep, feeling soothed and calmed, and breathing clean air are elements that help improve your mood.


The benefits in reality


Everyone knows at least one cat lady and dog lover, but they probably do not realize how many plant aficionados there are around them. These individuals always feel joyful and bring positive energy into your life. On social media, I have seen so many different people posting about their plants. They buy different plants and flowers, pots, and decorative elements to make their indoor green rooms a beautiful experience. I work with people who have plants, love them, and take care of them, proudly showing off their “babies.”

There are different things, hobbies, and life experiences that make our lives better. We strive to find those passions that help us feel good about ourselves and our lives. Having indoor plants improves your mood for the better. So many different people have found the key to happiness among their tiny friends.

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