How Long Does It Take to Get a Hardship License?

Imagine being unable to drive due to delinquency in child support. It will result in an indefinite suspension of your driving privilege. These circumstances emphasize the critical need for a hardship license. But who exactly qualifies for this lifeline?

What is a Hardship License?

A hardship license is sometimes also called a restricted license or restricted driving permit. It gives the driver a legal right to keep driving to certain locations at designated times. If an individual has lost their license due to a violation, they don’t necessarily have to sign up for a bus pass just yet.

Depending on the situation, they may be eligible to apply for a hardship license. This article will discuss the benefits and criteria needed to get one. If it’s still unclear, consulting a hardship license lawyer is your next best bet. They understand the ins and outs of the law regarding this niche better than the average person.

Understanding the Need for a Hardship License

Certain conditions need to be met if you’re to use a hardship license. There are many reasons for someone to lose their license, but here are some common causes for suspension/revocation:

A hardship license offers mobility for essential tasks when your driving privileges are lost. But the eligibility criteria, application process, and terms can be complex. Engaging a hardship license lawyer who is well-versed in state laws can greatly increase your chances of success. An attorney assists with many tasks including the following:

They can also negotiate license reinstatement if violations occur. Legal expertise is invaluable when navigating this process.

Stringent eligibility criteria apply.

Eligibility Criteria for a Hardship License  

The reasons for license suspension can vary. But the eligibility criteria for obtaining a hardship license are specific. Let’s delve into what makes one eligible and the special requirements that come into play.

Eligibility factors include:

For DUI suspensions, completing any “hard” suspension period before qualifying is mandatory. This is typically 30 days minimum. Completing a DUI traffic school program may also be required. Offenders must install an ignition interlock device (IID) and maintain it for eligibility.

Application Process for a Hardship License

Understanding your eligibility is only the first step. The application process for a hardship license involves several stages, each crucial in its own right. Let’s walk through this journey step by step.

Typical application requirements:

The judge or DMV official will evaluate your circumstances and driving record. They determine appropriate restrictions based on your hardship needs.

Consequences of Violating the Terms of a Hardship License

While a hardship license offers a reprieve, it comes with its own set of rules. Violating these can have severe repercussions, some as grave as the original offense that led to the suspension.

Consequences include:

Strict compliance is imperative. Hardship terms limit the purposes, times, and locations for driving. Any deviations can invalidate your restricted license.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the typical restrictions on a hardship license?

Hardship licenses limit driving to certain times, locations, and purposes. For example, work, school, or medical appointments are the most common reasons. Specific routes may be outlined. Recreational driving is prohibited.

Can commercial drivers obtain a hardship license?

It depends on the suspension reason and state laws. Some allow CDL holders to drive commercial vehicles on a restricted basis for work purposes only. Additional requirements may apply.

What happens if I’m caught driving outside the terms of my hardship license?

You face revocation of the restricted license and an extension of the original suspension. There are also fines, potential jail time, and a minimum one-year suspension if convicted of a related offense like drug possession. Strict compliance is critical.


To obtain a hardship license, you must meet strict criteria. But this lifeline allows you to fulfill major life responsibilities when your driving privileges are lost. At the very least, you can still live your life and turn it around. Hence, once given the chance, it’s best to handle the license with care.

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