It’s a well known fact that if you want to do something big in life, along with the success will also come many haters. Haters are known for being skeptical, judgmental, and often vocal about their disapproval. When it comes to building a personal brand and investing into your own PR, the bigger you get, the more haters you will have as well. Having a personal brand myself, this isn’t something I can stop from happening if you work with me, but it’s something that I want to prepare you for.
I used to be a magician, being active on YouTube for ten years. Through YouTube alone, I’ve been seen in 150 countries and gained over 57 million views. With that many people watching me for ten years, I had to deal with a lot more hate than the average entrepreneur, but I consider it a blessing. I’ve learned to control my mindset and welcome it all. Success comes with balance, and I’ve learned that if everyone loves you, you might be doing something wrong…
What I want to share with you is that the moment that you put yourself in the spotlight is the moment that people will be ready to take you down, and it’s not necessarily because of you, but rather because they are jealous of what you have. So if you consider yourself an ambitious person, you must learn how to correctly deal with these people.
Instead of feeling bad for getting all this bad attention, you should instead focus on the opposite: look at all the good that is coming out of this and welcome both the good and the bad. When people say bad things about you, remember that people are talking about you, and that’s always a good thing. Learn to welcome and take it. Negative voices only give you more attention, without you having to pay for it! With more eyeballs on you, a larger audience will be drawn to you which often turns into more fans or even customers. So remember that all press is good press because it gives you more attention, often for free!
Now, even with all this said about the negative, it’s important to remember that most of your success is going to be amazing. You’ll be reaching your goals and growing your credibility. You’ll be closing deals, helping people, and truly making a difference. Even when the haters come, be mindful of your thoughts and don’t let a few negative people drag you down. It’s important to prove that you are stronger than the haters.
When you put yourself in the spotlight, you can expect all kinds of feedback. Some people will hate you, but others will love you. Some people will claim your products suck, yet others will have your undying devotion and praise. The most important thing is to keep your mindset in check and keep winning.
To learn more or work with Jay Jay and Ace of Spades, follow him on Instagram and check out his website to grow your brand and business.
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