How To Manage & Grow A Real Estate Online Community With Tristan Ahumada

The buying and selling processes in the real estate industry are not a walk in the park. As a result, you must be a member of an online community in order to keep your real estate dreams alive. Through these communities, you may drive significant traffic and build crucial relationships with your customer base. Growing and nurturing an online community will offer your company a distinct identity and assist you in achieving your real estate goals swiftly.

That is why Tristan’s enthusiasm for creating online communities, technology, and systems has aided in the buying and selling processes.

Tristan Ahumada At A Glance

Tristan Ahumada is a Southern California-based innovator, community growth hacker, and Realtor. He is a thought leader that operates Lab Coat Agents, the world’s largest online real estate agent community. He has amassed millions of dollars through the use of Facebook groups, Instagram, and impressive email lists.

This visionary agent has also risen to the top 1% of all Realtors globally. He leads one of the most successful real estate teams in the nation and has ownership in real estate brokerages and technology enterprises.

Growing An Online Community

The first thing you should do in growing a thriving online community is to identify and understand your audience. Understanding your audience serves as a foundation when you eventually start constructing influential and high-quality content that will reach the right people. Remember that your audience is vital in content marketing. 

Secondly, you need to identify your passion. What do you love? You will build a community or a Facebook group around it as a result of this.

Create a brand that people can identify with, as well as a logo that can be worn on any merchandise. Develop a unique corporate identity. Why? Because people always prefer brands that are authentic and relatable. 

You can then pick up all social media outlets under the same name and start a weekly newsletter. Use multiple platforms to drive traffic as you harness a wider audience and insist on a more excellent call to action. Also, consider promoting other social media accounts on various platforms. For example, if you have a strong Facebook following and want to expand it on Instagram, you may advertise your Instagram account on Facebook.

Managing Your Online Community

Growing your community isn’t enough, according to Tristan. It would be beneficial if you managed it as well. Tristan recommends using the STAY formula with the LCM acronym (see below). This method entails providing constant content and engaging with your feed through interaction.

The “S” in the STAY strategy stands for, “sell with a story”. Storytelling will build memories and relationships that make the content exciting and naturally motivated. 

T stands for “teach about your product”. 

A is “advice about things you love or hobbies”.

 And Y is “you, where you showcase what you are doing”. 

On the other hand, LCM stands for “like, comment and message”. You should read through your feed with purpose and like posts, comment on them, then take it a step further and message them personally. It would be preferable if you kept the messaging relevant to the post.

People will then respond to your message and study your profile. You may then tweak the algorithm such that your feed appears on their feed.

That is Tristan’s method of posting on social media, and it works really well.


An online community is a powerful tool for building a strong sense of brand loyalty, increasing conversions and sales, and showcasing the most human side of your brand personality. 

Maintain contact with your audience and your dreams will soon become a reality.

For more information, you can connect to Tristan on:




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