Remote work life seems like a match made in heaven, but there are some challenges to working in your comfort space. When working from the office there is usually less room for distraction, and depending on your work environment, management is on the floor to oversee that you and your co-workers are doing your tasks. Remote work provides a sense of dependency and less supervision, so you’re more prone to distracting yourself or moving at a more relaxed pace. Daydreaming every now and then hasn’t hurt anyone, but what if your constant need to pay attention to everything else besides your work affects your productivity? It may be time to lessen those distractions and build a productive space. How do you maximize your productivity when remotely working?
Quality Technology
Quality technology is essential when working from home as that is your means of making money. Without your essentials like a computer, decent wifi, and running electricity, you’re unable to complete your job. Not only is this super frustrating to spend your workday fixing your equipment, but you run the risk of losing your job if you have no way of keeping up with the assigned work. Preventing this can include having a backup, such as a Solis hotspot, when the wifi goes out. Solis is perfect for providing wifi in backup and emergency situations like waiting for your home internet to be replaced, and if you need multiple devices to work, Solis Lite & Solis X allow you to connect up to 10 devices at one time.
You may want a laptop and/or tablet on hand that you can use if your desktop gives out or you lose power. And maybe a backup generator that provides you with a few hours of electricity until your main source kicks back in. Just a tip, it’s worth asking about connections in the area you plan to reside and how frequent natural disasters are that might affect your electricity and wifi/cellular service, so you have a heads up of what’s needed to keep you up and running in case of these unfortunate events.
Choosing The Right Workspace
Choosing the correct workspace is important, this could be the main source of your distraction. You’ll want to consider the nosiest sector of your space because it’s where you want to refrain from setting up if you have frequent meetings with your team or a remote job that requires you to be on the phone for long periods of time. What about where the sun is for most of the day? You wouldn’t want to squint to see through the vibrant rays for hours on end because the sun is either hitting your face or hitting your computer screen so badly that reading or navigating is nearly impossible. You may have found the quietest and least sunny space, but what if you set up in the living room and live with other people who are bound to pass by multiple times a day? Maybe you have little control over your workspace, so there are ways to better the situation, such as noise-canceling headphones, sunshades for laptops and computers, and the option to put up a background during Zoom calls to secure your workspace on video.
Maintain Working Hours
Depending on your line of work, you may not be held to the same schedule every day, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t remain on a routine. When your brain cannot calculate a designated work-time, you may find yourself being less likely to work distraction-free. So it is important to find a daily routine you like best to commit to during your work days. There are several benefits when sticking to routines such as positive impacts on your mental health, decreasing anxiety caused by unpredictability, and making time for the things that matter to you. Maintaining a set amount of hours to work helps prepare your mindset for a time for work and then a time for leisure.
Organizing & Keeping Your Workspace Clean
When the space is cluttered, so is the mind. Have you ever needed to tidy up for a few minutes before logging on to clean your surrounding area? Imagine the difference with the entire workspace clean and not just your desk. You could think, see better, and reach for work essentials without navigating the clutter. Keeping your space clean can also be making it feel clean and smell clean. Consider a wax melter or essential oil diffuser; adding a little greenery never hurts either. If you’re not one to take care of plants, you could use artificial ones to set the scene, but you’ll receive more benefits by having a real plant in the room on or by your desk. Organization can be more than just your workspace, this can be virtually too. Making sure your files are organized and labeled correctly for easier link access! You may also want to update your devices (if there is an update due) after your work day before the next one so that your devices are ready to go before your next shift. This is also a great time to back up your files for the day and store them somewhere labeled and secure!
Set Boundaries & Devices on Do Not Disturb
When living with family or friends, it’s easy to get caught up in conversation during work, just as you would in the office. But what if this conversation is really affecting your ability to focus? You may need to do what it takes to inform your loved ones that work is in session, and you have limited time for talking. Maybe put a schedule on the fridge with your work hours or somewhere around your workspace. You can use a similar method virtually by putting your phone on do not disturb or generating an auto-response that communicates with others trying to reach you that you are working. Working remotely doesn’t mean open availability, so it’s okay to wait until after your normal work hours to respond to friends and family. They’d understand just like a normal workday!
The Overwhelming Benefits of Four-Day Work Week Trials(Opens in a new browser tab)
With many companies moving towards a 100% remote work culture, it’s beneficial to figure out how to make working from a space that you associate with relaxation and sleep become a more productive one! It may not be an easy transition, especially if your workspace is combined with a part of your home that you use daily.
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By Solis
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