Involved in A Motorcycle Accident and it’s Not Your Fault? What are Your Options?

Motorcycle Accident

Imagine cruising along on your motorcycle, savoring the thrill of the open road, when suddenly, a careless driver crashes into you. In an instant, your ride becomes a harrowing ordeal, leaving you with injuries, property damage, and a whirlwind of questions. If you find yourself in this heart-wrenching scenario through no fault of your own, it’s crucial to understand your legal rights and options.

At Miley Legal Accident Injury Lawyers, our dedicated West Virginia motorcycle accident attorney helped numerous accident victims get the money they deserve. We know how to investigate motorcycle crashes, determine fault, and build a compelling personal injury claim on your behalf. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries or losses from a motorcycle accident, we’re ready to fight for you.

Determining Fault After a Motorcycle Accident

The first step after any accident is figuring out who caused it. Various factors help determine fault, including:

Thorough investigation and evidence gathering by your motorcycle accident lawyer establishes a clear picture of how the accident occurred and why another driver was at fault.

Documenting Your Injuries and Losses

Even if an accident seems minor initially, it’s crucial to seek prompt medical attention. Seeing a doctor right away creates important documentation of initial injuries, which will be referenced throughout treatment. Downplaying injuries could hurt your ability to recover full compensation later.

Make sure to keep careful records of all accident-related costs, including:

These records will be used to calculate damages when filing an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

Communicating with Insurance Companies

After a motorcycle accident, you’ll need to engage with one or more insurance companies. This includes your own insurer as well as the at-fault drivers. Be cautious about signing anything or accepting a quick settlement offer. Insurance companies want to minimize payouts.

Consult a motorcycle accident lawyer before agreeing to anything that could limit your right to fair compensation down the road. An attorney can handle communication and negotiate effectively on your behalf.

Should You File a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

If insurance settlement talks reach an impasse, filing a personal injury lawsuit is the next step. An experienced attorney can take your case to court and advocate for full compensation in front of a judge and jury. Factors determining if a lawsuit is worthwhile include:

The decision to pursue litigation depends on the strength of your claim and how much compensation you need and deserve.

Why Hire a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Without legal experience, accident victims may struggle to get fair payouts. Insurance companies have teams of adjusters and lawyers working against your interests. Having your own attorney levels the playing field. Benefits of legal representation include:

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If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t your fault, don’t wait to seek experienced legal help. At Miley Legal Accident Injury Lawyers, our dedicated team of motorcycle accident attorneys have helped numerous victims get maximum compensation after crashes caused by negligent drivers. We know how to thoroughly investigate accidents, strategically negotiate with insurance companies, and take necessary legal action when fair settlements aren’t offered.

Don’t go through this difficult process alone. Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation with a knowledgeable lawyer. We’ll review your case details and help you understand all of your options. With over 18 years of success helping injured bikers in West Virginia, you can trust our team to handle your claim effectively. Call (304) 326-1800 or visit today. Time is often a factor in personal injury cases, so reach out to Miley Legal for dedicated legal representation right away after your motorcycle accident.

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