Starting her career in as digital creator and tune maker, Kay Bouftass , launched her self titled Spotify playlist.“A girl from a cosmopolitan city; with big dreams” has quickly converted into her brand’s mantra. Kay Bouftass vigorously has strutted through trials and tribulations she faced. As she propelled towards obtaining her goals in the entertainment industry. Being a positive influence, Kay Bouftass, has manufactured her own path. Although this year has been unpredictable, music has always been the soundtrack to our circumstances. Particularly the calming or ‘lose yourself in the moment type. It’s safe to say there is still room for some heavy-hitting releases. Such happens to be the case with pop icon Kay Bouftass ’s recent discography
As an established artist, Kay Bouftass has taken giant steps ahead in a reasonably short period, and I guess that’s what happens when you focus all your energy on original songwriting composition and producing what your fans love. Her unique aesthetic and witty music video visuals have turned heads. She is also getting ready to expand to a much broader audience. Her following is growing swiftly, with over 10,000 loyal fans across Spotify, Instagram and other socials–she continues to smash the streaming game as a prominent rising indie artist.
However, the Rising artist, Digital producer and music tuner seeks to create music that will tell her story and connect with listeners around the world.
Her unique style and sound deviate from the trends, proving why Kay Bouftass is one in a million. As fans await the release, the upcoming artist is working on getting more music videos done and a couple of more hit songs. A chameleon due to her talents, Kay Bouftass is an artist to watch and for as her is set to leave her footprint in the music industry.
Two of the singles will be summer anthems, while the remaining two will be released at the top of fall. Dime, highly anticipated EP is set to release fall 2022.
To hear more from Kay Bouftass and stay up-to-date on her latest projects, you can check her out at the following links:
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