Marina Abrahamyn’s Journey to Success as a Teacher and Performer

Marina Abrahamyn

Marina Abrahamyn

Marina Abrahamyn, a renowned piano teacher and performer, has been captivating audiences with her skillful piano performances for over 30 years. With a career spanning multiple international music competitions and solo performances, Marina has cemented herself as a true master of the piano. Her performances are known for their emotional depth and technical precision. One of her most notable performances was in 2014 at the Egg concert hall in Albany, NY, where she left the audience spellbound with her musical prowess. 

Marina’s Piano School 

But Marina’s talents don’t stop at performance. She is also the founder of a highly successful piano school in Brooklyn, where she has been spreading her love and passion for music to students of all ages for the last three years. The school’s motto, “Learn Music with a Smile!” encapsulates Marina’s approach to teaching. She not only focuses on teaching her students how to play the piano but also how to love and appreciate music. Her unique teaching method has helped her students to develop a deep understanding of music and inspired them to pursue a lifelong love of music. 

Special Needs and Young Children 

What sets Marina’s school apart from other music schools in the area is her dedication to teaching special needs children and young children, starting as young as 3 years old. Her studio is not only equipped with pianos but also other musical instruments, giving her students the opportunity to explore different instruments and develop a variety of skills. She has achieved outstanding results with these children, many of whom have gone on to achieve great success in music. Her ability to connect with children and adults of all ages and abilities is a testament to her skill as a teacher and her passion for music. 

Challenges and Success 

Despite facing the challenges of starting a a new city, Marina’s hard work, dedication, and love for music have paid off, and her school has become a well-known and respected institution in Brooklyn. She faced the challenge of being a new business in a city flooded with music schools, but through her unique approach to teaching and her love for music, she was able to stand out and attract a dedicated group of students. However, Marina’s success has also presented her with a new challenge: the demand for her services has outgrown her current studio, and she is now looking to expand her school or open a new location to better serve her growing list of students. Despite this, Marina remains committed to providing the highest level of service to her students, and is dedicated to helping them achieve their full potential. 

Accomplishments and Recognition 

Marina’s piano school has produced many accomplished students, who have gone on to achieve great success in music. She has organized twice-yearly recitals for her students to showcase their talents and progress. Her students have also received awards and recognition from various music competitions and festivals. Marina’s own accomplishments and recognition as a performer and teacher have made her school a destination for students who want to learn from a true master of the piano. 

Prioritizing Customer Service and Satisfaction 

Marina places a strong emphasis on customer service and satisfaction. She works closely with each student to understand their needs and goals and tailor her teaching to their individual learning styles. Marina’s friendly and cozy studio environment helps students to focus on learning and her approach to teaching is centered on love, professionalism and care. 

Notable Clients and Customers 

Marina’s list of notable clients and customers includes students from all backgrounds, from young children to adults and special needs kids. Her unique approach to teaching has helped them to achieve great success in music. Marina’s school has also been recognized by parents and educators for its positive impact on children’s development. 

Future Plans and Goals 

Marina’s future plans include expanding her school or opening a new location to better serve her growing list of students. She is also looking to invite new teachers who share her studio values of love, professionalism, and care. Marina is dedicated to helping her students achieve their full potential and to continue spreading her love and passion for music to the community. 

Finding Marina Online 

You can follow Marina and her piano school on Instagram @marina_piano_studio for updates on her performances, recitals, and other events. You can also visit her website for more information about her school and services. Make sure to also visit Marina’s website: as well as her Facebook page to find out more information about her lessons and overall passion:  To support Marina, please visit: and you will be met with a plethora of valuable information regarding the art that is music brought to you by Marina herself. 

Marina Abrahamyn’s Dedication to Music and Teaching: A Story of Success 

Marina Abrahamyn is a true master of the piano, with a career spanning multiple international music competitions and solo performances. Her passion for music and dedication to teaching has helped her to become a respected and accomplished piano teacher and school founder. Her unique approach to teaching, which emphasizes love, professionalism, and care, has helped her students to achieve great success in music. Her school has become a destination for students who want to learn from a true master of the piano, and has been recognized by parents and educators for its positive impact on children’s development. Marina’s ambition to expand her school or open a new location, and her desire to invite new teachers who share her values of love, professionalism and care, is a testament to her dedication to her students and to the community. Marina Abrahamyn’s love for music is evident in all that she does, and it is this love that has led to her outstanding success as a performer, teacher, and school founder.

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