MDsleep is the Solution for America’s Sleep Crisis

Insomnia and poor sleep quality have reached epidemic proportions in the United States. An estimated 50-70 million Americans chronically struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep. The consequences are severe – increased risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, and dementia. 

Big Pharma’s solution has been a slew of prescription sedatives, but these come with significant side effects and risk of dependence. Melatonin supplements help some individuals, but efficacy and quality vary widely among products. Consumers need an effective natural sleep aid they can trust.

Understanding the Critical Role of the Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system was only discovered in the 1990s but has proven to be essential for maintaining homeostasis and health. This complex network consists of cell receptors, endocannabinoids produced in the body, and enzymes that break them down.

Endocannabinoids like anandamide (the “bliss” molecule) and 2-AG bind to receptors concentrated in the brain and nervous system. This helps regulate systems that control sleep, appetite, pain sensation, and more. Anandamide levels naturally increase at night, linking endocannabinoids closely with sleep/wake cycles.

THC from marijuana also interacts with CB1 receptors in the brain that influence sleep and relaxation. However, unlike THC, MDsleep will not cause any psychoactive effects or impairment.

By supporting the endocannabinoid system with botanicals like full-spectrum hemp and valerian root, MDsleep enhances the body’s natural sleep mechanisms. This restoration of balance is the key to its effectiveness as a sleep aid.

Brenden Dougherty, CEO of MDBio, explains that the company’s team of doctors developed and tested MDsleep formulation on real patients. “The clinical trial data, the largest non-melatonin sleep aid study in history,, clearly shows MDsleep helps people fall asleep faster, stay asleep through the night, and feel more rested in the morning.”

Bridging the Gap Between Pharmaceuticals and Natural Medicine

Difficulty sleeping affects millions of Americans, contributing to health issues ranging from obesity to depression. The most common medical solution comes in the form of prescription sedatives and sleep aids. However, these medications can lead to dependency and impair cognitive function. Doctors often face a difficult choice between prescription medications or suggesting patients try supplements that are unregulated and unproven.

Pharmaceutical sedatives and sleep aids come with well-documented risks, including daytime drowsiness, rebound insomnia, and dependence. Those who take medications nightly for years often experience a decline in cognitive abilities.

On the other hand, the supplement industry is filled with products that make grand claims but have no clinical evidence to back them up. Dougherty explains, “Patients are desperate for alternatives to drugs but have been burned too many times by supplements that simply don’t work.”

MDsleep bridges this gap by combining the safety of natural ingredients with the rigor of scientific validation. The formula uses sustainable, non-GMO plants and herbs designed to work holistically with the body’s endocannabinoid system.

Sourcing high-quality organic ingredients is another key difference in setting MDsleep apart from standard supplements. This ensures optimal concentrations of the active compounds.

Multi-Targeted Botanical Formula

The MDsleep formula contains a synergistic blend of sleep-promoting botanicals, including:

This researched blend of herbs, amino acids, and cannabinoids provides multi-targeted and synergistic support for initiating sleep, staying asleep through the night, and achieving high-quality restorative sleep.

Robust Clinical Evidence Sets MDsleep Apart

Only a small fraction of nutraceutical companies run clinical trials on their supplements to demonstrate product efficacy. An even smaller number receive statistically significant results that increase further with consistent use.

MDBio products, including MDsleep, undergo multiple rounds of observational studies that inform the formulations. The products then progress to unbiased, 3rd party managed, large, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials conducted onshore. This extensive clinical testing puts MDBio supplements like MDsleep in a class of their own within the nutraceutical industry. 

MDBio conducted a robust clinical study to evaluate the effects of MDsleep plus hemp on various measures of sleep quality and overall health outcomes. The trial design followed gold standard practices – it was randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, and included 620 participants.

The results after taking MDsleep for 4 weeks demonstrated substantial improvements across all measures compared to placebo:

57% of participants reported improvement in sleep disturbance, which was 35% greater than the placebo group. 38% reported less stress, a 50% greater improvement versus placebo. 14% had higher well-being scores, 64% greater than placebo. And 60% experienced less anxiety, a 17% greater improvement than a placebo.

This high level of clinical evidence confirms MDsleep offers real efficacy for improving sleep and related measures and sets it apart from standard supplements lacking such rigorous scientific validation.

Setting a New Standard for Trust in Natural Health

As more Americans seek out natural alternatives to prescription sleep aids, MDsleep aims to meet this demand with a doctor-formulated supplement grounded in rigorous science. While Big Pharma’s medications come saddled with side effects, and the supplement industry is overrun with unproven products, MDsleep charts take a different course. Their precise blend of sleep-promoting organic botanicals targets multiple mechanisms for improving sleep quality from initiation to duration. 

But what truly sets MDsleep apart is the extensive clinical testing validating its efficacy – a rarity for natural supplements. With pharmaceutical-level evidence backing its claims and an integrative, holistic approach to lasting sleep health, MDsleep represents the vanguard of trust and transparency in natural health. 

7 Tips for a Restful Night’s Sleep: Achieving Deep Sleep Every Night(Opens in a new browser tab)

For the millions desiring deeper, easier sleep without pills, this doctor-created, clinically-tested supplement may provide the natural solution they’ve been dreaming of.

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