The relationship and network marketing industry is one that’s been long plagued by bad actors and broken promises. Businesses within this industry operate by leveraging a growing network of independent professionals and affiliates to sell products and services from a partnered or parent company. This model is historically one that’s been prone to pitfalls and mismanagement from behind the corporate curtain, and it’s natural for consumers to be wary of companies operating with this business model.
Nélo Life founder Eric Allen understands these concerns more than most people, having experienced the harm done by such mismanagement and abuse firsthand. While the network marketing business always appealed to Allen for the lifestyle and financial freedom, it promised as a field leader, seeing the devastation wrought on other entrepreneurs’ dreams by poor leadership decisions drove him to pursue a new vision, a new organization, and a new dream.
Eric Allen, alongside industry veterans Larry Lane and Nick Sorensen, came together to co-found Nélo Life, a movement and company dedicated to achieving lifestyle excellence for its members and affiliates. Guided by the Golden Rule, Allen is dedicated to making Nélo Life the most trustworthy and life-changing network/relationship marketing company in the industry, raising the industry’s standard of excellence and making the world a better place for everyone.
What Is Nélo Life?
Nélo Life is a company and movement at once and is preparing itself to be the new standard in network marketing. The organization’s guiding mission, goal, and philosophy are in its very name, hidden in the acronym: Nurturing Excellence, Living Optimally. Nélo Life is all about learning, traveling, broadening one’s horizons, and making the world a better place. Functionally, Nélo Life provides an exclusive lifestyle membership that leverages positive, unique experiences to unify and uplift communities one life at a time.
The Nélo Life lifestyle enhancement services include unique travel opportunities, catered events, discounts on partnered products, exclusive hotel deals, and much more. Members receive/can purchase with these benefits, and affiliates can work to achieve financial success and independence through Nélo Life in true network marketing fashion. Eric Allen describes Nélo Life as “An opportunity to unify and transform humanity through the power of our community.”
Beyond the benefits available to members and affiliates, Nélo Life is concerned with improving the world as a whole. That’s why the organization heavily encourages—and for affiliates, mandates—community service and engagement with charities both at home and abroad. Affiliates are mandated to donate a minimum fee to a church, charity, or NGO of the individual’s choice to offset their enrollment fee, and Nélo Life members taking advantage of LIFEtrips are scheduled for an activity with a local organization to give back to the communities they visit.
The Golden Standard
Eric Allen knows that the relationship and network marketing space is one that’s historically been low on trust—he’s been burned himself. By leveraging the experience he gained by reaching the higher ranks in three different network marketing companies, Allen is confident in his ability to make Nélo Life a new standard of excellence in the industry. As President, he highly prioritizes the stewardship of his members’ goals and best interests above his own.
In Allen’s own words, “In a relationship-driven business like ours, it’s paramount to consider the impact on decision-making on the very livelihoods that are co-creating the dream with you!
Eric Allen has long believed in and held to the Golden Rule: treat others the way you would like to be treated. In his own life and in his leadership of Nélo Life, enshrining service, transparency, and trust are core guiding values. Through radical transparency, where Nélo Life’s funding, leadership decisions, and necessary operating information are easily accessible and visible to members, affiliates, and interested parties, they hope to set an example for accountability and build trust in an industry space that’s been historically uncertain.
“We have found that most humans are forgiving when honest mistakes are made, as long as accountability and forgiveness are genuine in a transparent fashion,” Allen says. “By taking ownership of any shortcomings and working quickly to learn and improve from them, we are confident that we can and will co-create something that can leave a positive social impact across the world.”
Through transparency and clear, regular communication with members and affiliates, Eric Allen and Nélo Life are fostering a robust, nurturing co-creation mentality with their growing community. While still in the start-up phase, and with Nélo Life’s official launch coming in October 2024, Allen feels confident in the community’s passion, stability, and servant leadership.
Personal Values and Leadership Philosophy
For Eric Allen, no single philosophy or guiding principle rises above the actionable simplicity of the Golden Rule. Treating others the way he wanted to be treated was an easy formula for living life with an eye toward empathy, service, and respect. Both personally and professionally, this guiding principle has defined Allen’s leadership.
When it comes to leadership, both as President of Nélo Life and as an active member of his local community, Eric Allen has always believed that leaders should strive to lead by example, be constantly learning, and embrace a servant leader paradigm. Allen describes himself as a “voracious reader and listener” and emphasizes the importance of being a lifelong learner—and that includes being open to learning from mistakes and failures.
“Truly, by worldly standards, I have ‘failed’ more than I’ve succeeded!” Eric Allen says, “However, the massive successes that have transformed my life were all the culmination of learning through trial and error, highs and lows personally and professionally. Winners in life just have a habit of getting back up more often than most when life decisions knock them down.”
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The Future of Relationship and Network Marketing
Nélo Life’s official launch will take place on October 17, 2024, but its pre-launch signup events have been exceedingly successful, with thousands of people signing up for memberships and joining the movement. With transparency and accountability built into its foundations and with leaders empathetic to the questions around network marketing as an industry, Nélo Life is already positioned to set a new, high standard.
Eric Allen couldn’t be more excited about it. “We feel honored and blessed that so many high-achieving entrepreneurs, influencers, thought leaders and overall amazing humans are joining us in our global force for good,” he says.
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