Precautions You Should Take When Applying Wire Rope Lube Applicator?

Wire Rope Lube Applicator

A wire rope lube applicator is super helpful for reducing friction and extending the life of your cables. But as per experts like ViperWRL, some lubricants contain toxic ingredients and can be hazardous if used incorrectly. Safety should always come first. This article will overview the basic precautions you need to take when lubricating wire ropes to avoid accidents or injury.

Choose a Low-Risk Product

Not all wire rope lubricants on the market are created equal when it comes to safety risks. Here are some things to look for when selecting a product:

A high quality lubricant from a reputable manufacturer will be your safest choice. Don’t sacrifice worker safety for a cheap product.

Use Outdoors or in Ventilated Areas

Even non-toxic lubricants can cause nausea or dizziness if inhaled in a confined space. Use them outdoors or in rooms with excellent ventilation whenever possible. Open windows and doors or set up fans.

Never apply lubricant in an enclosed space like a storage closet – the fumes will build up. Take it outside if needed.

Wear Protective Equipment

Gloves, safety goggles, a mask or respirator, and protective work clothes are must-wear items when lubricating wire rope. Exact gear depends on the product’s risks:

Follow Usage Instructions Carefully

Read the lubricant’s entire product label and follow the instructions exactly. Pay attention to:

Don’t rely on your past experience with other lubes – follow each product’s guidelines.

Clean the Rope First

Always clean the wire rope thoroughly before lubricating to remove old residue. Use a wire brush and cleaning solvents compatible with the new lubricant.

Any debris left on the rope can react with the new lubricant and create toxic fumes. Don’t skip the prep work.

Apply Slowly and Cautiously

Take your time applying the lubricant. Rushing leads to splashes, drips into eyes, and slippery surfaces that cause falls. Slow and steady is safest:

Store Properly After Use

Follow all storage instructions on the label after lubricating to prevent leaks, spills or reactions with other chemicals. Common tips include:

Take five extra minutes to stow lubricants properly. It’s a small time investment to avoid major issues.

Dispose of Used Products Responsibly

Never toss old wire rope lubricant in the regular trash. The ingredients can be hazardous waste. Instead:

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Using wire rope lube involves some safety considerations, but following these common sense precautions will keep your team protected. Prioritizing precautions ensures everyone goes home healthy each day.

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