Proper Nutrition is Equally Important as Exercise for Overall Fitness


“There is a surprising amount of misinformation and a lack of awareness about health, wellbeing, and fitness amongst the public. The word fitness is often portrayed as regular exercise, which, in reality, only contributes to only a few percent roles in the overall fitness at most. Exercise is strongly recommended to stay fit but what’s equally, if not more important, is nutrition. We have all been there: You start a diet, fall off track, and wonder if this is really what your body needs to see results,” says Diago Haddadi, online fitness and nutrition expert who help provide you with answers so you can learn how to eat well, fuel your body with the foods you need, and eat right for certain health conditions as well as heal your relationship with food.

Based in Dubai, Diago Haddadi has an indecipherable list of awards attributed to himself and an endless list of star athletes and celebrities who are associated with him. A non-believer of stringent nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love, he encourages the use of food as medicine with a holistic approach. He uses all his knowledge and his passion to educate and empower people so they can be the strongest version of themselves.

Are you tired of putting in the effort at the gym and not seeing results? You’re not alone—many people show drive, determination, and consistent effort, but don’t reach their goals. This is because of not balancing their diet and exercise. What many people don’t know is that somewhere your fitness performance and what you eat are connected. Your diet can have a huge effect on your exercise. Diago shares that committing to exercise regularly is a terrific start to getting fit. However, without sound nutritional guidance, achieving your goals may be impossible. Tough workouts demand the right kind of fuel — and that fuel comes from the foods and nutrients you consume.

Proper fitness nutrition begins with understanding what you need to eat when to eat, and how to maintain your eating habits for the long haul. If you’re serious about becoming your strongest and fittest self, eating nutritionally dense foods is essential to your workout plan. The right nutrition guidance by Diago Haddadi will ensure you provide your body with the clean energy you need to perform your best.

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Whether you are a competitive athlete or play a recreational sport, there is no doubt that physical activity has many health benefits. When it comes to maximizing your workouts or improving athletic performance, nutrition and physical activity go hand in hand. What we eat before and after exercise, as well as regularly, can make a large difference in how we feel and how we perform during activity. The right balance of macro and micronutrients may vary depending on your fitness level and the type of activity you perform. Still, it is important to get enough nutrition to maintain your health and optimize your performance.

Nutrition for physical activity is highly individualized. The training plans by Diago are customized to suit your body type, goals and training experience also while helping you achieve progress, increase fitness levels and stay injury-free. Every training plan comes with a complete breakdown of the diet to take, exercises to perform, sets, reps & weights to be lifted. Diago works with each individual’s needs rather than creating a one-size-fits-all approach.

To know more, follow Diago Haddad on Instagram: @diago_haddadi

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