After a 15-year relationship, Rana found herself single at the age of 40. Being loyal for 15 years and now single, she was nervous to get back into the dating scene. She didn’t even know how to flirt anymore. She knew she didn’t want to be single for the rest of her life so, like many others, Rana embarked on the world of online dating and going out with her single friends hoping to find love.
Online dating was exciting at first. Rana was getting the attention of so many men. But she noticed very early that this was the most mentally and physically draining thing she could ever do. Rana was looking for something real. She met many men but most didn’t look like their pictures, just wanted sex or ghosted her after a while. She was either attracting men she had no interest in or men that were not looking for anything long-term.
After realizing online dating was not for her, she focused on going out with her single friends. They would get together and their main topic was how terrible dating was these days. They all tried to meet other people organically, but that was arduous. Rana painfully became aware that people don’t know how to engage with other people in the real world anymore.
She was thinking all along her journey, that there has to be a better way, and so her path to being a matchmaker began. She was online (on and off) and going out with friends for about 5 years. Met some great guys who were not for her but matched well with friends and family. Rana finally met the love of her life when she was just about to give up. Now in love, she wanted everyone to have what she found.
Rana was great at matching her friends and family. So she decided to make it official by getting certified. She was three months into matchmaking when she was introduced to a group of matchmakers. She was amazed to learn quickly that the world of matchmaking was a close-knit, supportive, and nurturing one.
Unlike most dog-eat-dog industries, matchmakers are willing to help each other out in business, and most importantly they all help each other out with matches.
Collaboration is huge in this beautiful world of matchmaking, but it was lacking a system to do so with ease. After talking to matchmakers from all over the world about their different pain points, Rana developed Matchmakers Mingle. This is a platform where matchmakers from all over the world can effortlessly collaborate.
Rana launched Matchmakers Mingle in March 2022 and she is extremely happy with the turnout so far. She is loving the light bulb moments that matchmakers get when they understand what her platform can do for the matchmaking industry.
So at the end of the day, what happened to Rana 10 years ago was a blessing in disguise she expresses. She wouldn’t be in this beautiful world of matchmaking otherwise!
Eilene Watson
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