The Benefits of Time Management

Time Management

Let’s be honest, how many of you optimize your day? I noticed the benefits of time management when I enlisted in the military. Before then, I struggled with getting tasks done promptly. I used to be one of those last-minute types of guys when it came to most things in life, and it wasn’t beneficial in any form. Once I got into scheduling my day and being punctual. 

Now in the military, if you’re on time, you’re considered late. They made sure to instill the importance of being early and time management. We would have our days mapped out from start to finish, which helped transform our minds and bodies in many ways. On a typical day, we would wake up to do personal training followed by hygiene, then off to breakfast. By having a set routine, we were able to prepare for things in advance and able to adapt easily to any needed adjustments. 

I applied those same time management skills to my daily life. I went to college and was able to thrive by utilizing my time efficiently. What I noticed is we all have the same 24 hours, but it’s optimally up to the individual to use it to their advantage. Most millionaires start their days as early as 04:00 am and, just like the old saying, “The early bird gets the worm,” they can complete tasks before most even get out of bed.  

You can start off by just scheduling your day. Once you get the technique down, then you can start making weekly schedules. Some tools for the trade are utilizing planners and using technology like phones, computers, etc, to set up reminders to keep you on track. Trust me, it may be difficult initially, but it’s worth it in the long haul. Before this, I was just getting by, but now I have time to get things done in a timely fashion. No matter how busy your life may get, always set aside time for yourself to rest. Mental health is everything, and no one wants to be burned out.  

Those are some of the benefits of time management from my perspective. I’m curious to know how you all manage your time. Make sure to let me know in the comment section. Thank you for reading. Catch you all next post. Connect with me on socials here.

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