People who are bisexual are attracted to people of more than one gender. So are people who are pansexual. Doesn’t this mean that pansexuality and bisexuality are the same? Not quite! There are some key differences in how attraction works for one vs the other.
Pansexuality vs Bisexuality: How Are They Different?
Pansexual refers to forming a sexual attraction to people regardless of gender, while bisexual refers to forming a sexual attraction to more than one gender identity. Of course, the definitions of these phrases can be confusing, especially with how wide-ranged the lgbtq community has become over the years. While we can define pansexuality and bisexuality, it does not change the fact that due to societal norms, there are ideas that many people are unable to process. So, what exactly is the difference between the two sexual orientations?
Pansexual: A Definition and Explanation of the Sexual Orientation
Bisexuality and pansexuality are both characterized by attraction to more than one gender. Let’s take a closer look at the definition of pansexuality.
Definition of Pansexual

A sexual orientation in which an individual can experience sexual or romantic attraction to people regardless of gender identity. Pan is often used as a way to say “Across the board”, which is essentially a way to say that pansexual people are attracted to those all across the gender spectrum. People who are pansexual are often referred to as being gender blind.
Another way to put it is the word pan can mean “All” or “Every”. Another popular way to describe this sexual orientation is to describe it as being attracted to people rather than physical, sexual characteristics.
Is the Definition of Pansexual People the Same For Everyone?
At a base level, it is, however, just like other people who find an attraction to people of more than one gender; they do have some preferences in terms of gender identity, looks, and more. Some pansexual people feel attraction to everyone but feel a preference for those of the same gender. Others are attracted to personality, as well as lack of gender. For some, romantic attraction needs to be met before an individual can even think of being sexually attracted to someone.
There is also the effect of what people identify as in terms of gender. For example, those who are trans people, gender fluid people, and agender or nonbinary people will often refer to themselves as pansexual people, as it makes it easier to have conversations about the topic of sexuality. However, this does not mean that all people in these categories are necessarily attracted to two or more genders or even more than one gender. This does not mean that a person who is trans, nonbinary, or agender cannot define themselves as any other sexuality.
Bisexual: A Definition and Explanation of the Sexual Orientation
Let’s talk about what bisexuality means
Definition of Bisexual

Bisexual refers to a sexual orientation that allows people to feel sexual or romantic attraction to people in more than one gender category.
Is the Definition of Bisexual People the Same For Everyone?
Just like with pansexuality, the way a person describes how they identify as bisexual is relatively the same at the very base of it, however like many other sexual orientations the exact definition is different from person to person. Some bisexual people have a preference for those of the same sex but are still happy and open to dating the opposite sex. Some who identify as bisexual feel attracted to feminine or masculine traits but don’t really care about what is in a person’s pants. There are many ways people describe their reasons for wanting to identify as bisexual.
Common Myths and Misconceptions about Pansexual and Bisexual People
Myths about pan and bisexual people are everywhere. It shows up in the attitudes that are prevalent towards members of this community. Even the media gets it wrong. Do a Google search on either of these words, and you won’t take long to find some freelance writer who has written an entirely horrible take on the subject.
As we begin to understand the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality, we also start to understand the common misconception that often plagues those who identify with the bisexual and pansexual orientation. When it comes to pansexuality and bisexuality,y there are many myths and misconceptions about the two forms of sexuality.
There are many who believe that there is no difference between the two and that most people use specific terms to make themselves feel special. There are also long-standing falsehoods about the likelihood of cheating, as well as the idea that many bisexual and pansexual people are simply going through a phase. Let’s take a look at some of the
Pansexuality is Not Real
There are many who debate the legitimacy of pansexual people when talking about bisexual and pansexual topics. The base of the belief lies in the gender binary in which many people, both inside and outside of the LGBTQIA community, strongly believe that everyone is either male or female, regardless of how a person views gender.
Although the argument can be made that many of the gender identities that exist today still exist along that binary line, there are many genders that exist completely off of that line (agender), right in the middle (two-spirit), or have the potential of being anywhere on the spectrum, both on and off the line (gender fluid).
Pan and Bisexual People Are Most Likely to Cheat

A bisexual and pansexual individual is no more likely to cheat than any other sexual identity or orientation. Most studies often state that men in general are most likely to cheat, however many of these studies are unreliable due to lack of demographics and control groups, as well as the fact that most of these studies place primary focus on heterosexual men and heterosexual women.
Bisexual People Are Only Attracted to People who are Male or Female
Although this was a very common definition in the past, today, bisexual people are more broad in their perceptions of the gender binary and can feel attracted to people both in and out of the gender binary. This means a person can feel sexual and romantic attraction to nonbinary people and men, or men and women, or agender people and two spirited people, there are many different combinations for the many different genders there are.
Pansexual People Are the Only Ones Who Are Attracted to Trans People
This is a common argument that makes many people reject the idea of pansexuality as a person should not have a specific sexual orientation to feel attraction to someone whose gender expression is different from the one they were assigned at birth. For example, pansexual and bisexual people can experience romantic and physical attraction to a trans person, but this does not mean that a heterosexual woman cannot feel attracted to someone who is trans.
Nonbinary People Are the Only Ones Who Can Identify as Pansexual

Although many Nonbinary people do refer to themselves with the sexual identity of pansexual, that does not mean they are the only ones who are allowed to use this definition. The terms bisexual and pansexual refer to an attraction of multiple genders, and how a person identifies their gender should be considered a separate thing from their sexual orientation. Just like a cisgender individual can identify as pansexual or bisexual, a nonbinary person can identify as bisexual or asexual.
Pansexual People Will Date Anyone and Have No Preferences
Pansexual People’s attraction can vary, and some may find that although they are attracted to all genders to a point, they might find that not all genders share the same level of attraction to them. They may find certain genders to be more appealing to them than other genders. They may find that they are more attracted to femininity rather than masculinity. Just like how a person can find blonde hair more attractive or a person can find a person’s height or weight to be attractive. Pansexual and Bisexual people, just like many others,s have their personal preferences.
Bisexual and Pansexual People in Straight Passing relationships do not belong at pride
This is an exclusionary belief that many people have due to personal trauma. While this belief can be understandable to a point, it also throws away the fact that just like sexuality, gender is also a fluid spectrum that can lead to people being in straight or straight-passing relationships. We need to stop thinking of gender as exclusively men and women, or man or woman.
Bisexual People are only attracted to men and women
If we look back at the terms and read about the difference between pansexual and bisexual, we see that pansexuality refers to those who are attracted to all genders, while being bisexual means that a person feels an attraction to more than one gender. Because genders are not limited to the binary, this means that an individual who is attracted to people who are two-spirited and male also experiences bisexuality in their own way.
Ways to Help Support Bisexual and Pansexual People
People who identify with bisexuality, pansexuality, or other fluid attractions deserve respect and affirmation. Here are some steps you can take to be an ally or accomplice for your friends and family.
Remember to Respect both Bisexuality and Pansexuality as identities
Even if you do not completely understand the difference between the two just yet, remember that a person’s sexual orientation is a very personal thing that they have to define for themselves. A person may call themselves pansexual because they feel like they aren’t solely attracted to two or even one gender. Or they might not feel attraction to the same degree.
Be respectful if a person changes how they define their sexual orientation
Sexuality is fluid, and not everyone feels the same way about their sexuality as they always do. For example, the term bisexual might fit a person’s definition perfectly at one point, but at another, they might realize that what bisexuality refers to simply doesn’t fit the way they view themselves in the world now. They can still remain true to specific gender-based preferences, but this does not mean that their sexuality won’t change and grow as they learn more about themselves.
There are many asexual people who actually initially identify as being pansexual because they feel like their lack of sexual and romantic feelings for anyone is the same as being pansexual.
Do More Research on the Topic
We all understand by now the the difference between pansexuality and bisexuality refers to the number of gender identities an individual is attracted to, however there is a lot more that goes into it than just that.
There are discussions about the effects sexuality has on mental health, why some people who are bisexual or pansexual might prefer to remain celibate, support groups, research, gender studies, how they both fit under the umbrella term polysexual, exactly why there are more than two genders, and how the ways they experience attraction help people to form their own outlook on the difference between pansexual and bisexual orientations which in term help them learn how to identify themselves.
When you take the time to learn more about what being bisexual or pansexual means, you show the individuals you want to support that you care about them and respect the way they choose to identify themselves.
Social Media as a Queer Safe Haven(Opens in a new browser tab)
Join a Support Group
Many bisexuals and Pansexuals are often victims of bi or polyphobia due to the many misconceptions related to gender and sexuality. This means that this particular group is one of the most likely to be ostracized both in and out of the LGBTQ community. That can have serious impacts on a person’s mental health.
It’s important for a bisexual or pansexual person to find community and support. The Bi Pan library has a list of resources for people who are bi, pan, or have fluid attraction.
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