The Impact of Genetic Engineering on Cannabis Cultivation


Cannabis cultivation is one of the most popular methods of farming in the world today since more and more countries are beginning to legalize the plant thanks to its recreational usage and the medicinal effects it’s been proven to have. If you’re interested in growing it or just want to know more about the plant you love so much, you’ll be surprised to know there’s far more information beneath the surface, including genetic engineering that has changed the way the plant is grown.

1-    Better yields

As previously mentioned, one of the biggest benefits of getting cannabis seeds that have been genetically modified is the fact that you’ll be preparing yourself for far better yields than you would otherwise. Scientists ensure that these seeds are equipped with the best genes for growth, as well as other characteristics that essentially help you get far more output with the same amount of investment, whether that’s time, money, or resources.

This is a crucial consideration for many businesses since meeting the bottom line means producing enough product to sell to consumers after each cycle and harvest, and if you’re not able to do that, you may find yourself losing money if you’re in it for commercial reasons, or just getting less crop than what you could’ve otherwise.

2-    Better flavor

The flavor of cannabis is one of the most important parts of its overall experience for a lot of reasons because people who enjoy it recreationally or even those who use cannabis for its medicinal qualities all get some form of enjoyment from the flavor of the plant. These flavors can be edited during genetic engineering, providing fresher and more in-depth flavor profiles than what you may see occurring naturally. This means that, at the end of the day, you’re able to provide stronger flavors or more balanced tones for a public that, over time, has gotten more and more picky when it comes to what they’re looking to buy.

3-    Pest resistance

Pests are perhaps the most troublesome issue that all farmers face no matter where they are and what they’re growing since insects and other pests love to feed on what you’re trying to grow, reducing your output or completely wiping it out in some cases. The key to fixing this is genetic engineering since the plants that you’ll get your hands on will have some form of built-in resistance to these bugs. This could include something as simple as including pheromones that pests hate going towards, so they won’t identify your cannabis as food, or even some elements that are poisonous to bugs, in which case your cannabis may double as a pesticide.

4-    More adaptability

Cannabis is a plant, and, like all plants, they have a particular cycle for growth and harvest and even a climate that they’re more suited towards. However, suppose you have seeds that have been genetically modified. In that case, you’ll get much better adaptability to environmental factors that will help you grow this plant in areas it doesn’t normally grow, including extreme climates, areas that have low irrigation or are going through a drought, and poor soil quality that has low nutritional value. The best thing about this adaptability is that it makes farming much easier since you’ll never have to worry about the place you’ve decided to grow it in.

5-    Consistency

Consistency is another important factor in cannabis cultivation and something that genetic engineering helps to produce, and it may be the single most important factor in producing medicinal cannabis. Cannabis naturally has a ton of variations, including strains that are better for anxiety and some disorders than others, and if you’re growing cannabis that will be used for a particular medical condition, you’ll have to ensure your seeds are modified to produce a consistent product that gives your customers the intended effect each time.

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Genetic engineering is an incredibly popular and effective method of changing a plant for the better, integrating some crucial elements into it, like better yields, more consistent flavors and colors, and more. This holds true for cannabis cultivation, too, which is why genetic engineering is seen as such a crucial step in the growth and cultivation of the plant. If you’re interested in growing it, too, you should be aware of its complete background. 

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