The Maker’s Guide to Cricut: Easy Projects for Creating Fabulous Home Decor, Wearables, and Gifts

The Maker’s Guide to Cricut

The Maker’s Guide to Cricut Innovation

What problem does The Maker’s Guide to Cricut solve?

Owning a Cricut cutting machine comes with near-endless possibilities of what you can create, which can be daunting and overwhelming for some. 

There’s also a full breakdown of the software because sometimes the hardest part of designing is learning what button does what. With 28 step-by-step projects, The Maker’s Guide to Cricut cuts through the overwhelm and gives the reader detailed instructions to create handmade gifts, innovative cards, home goods, party decor, and more. 

How can this transform the world or our day-to-day lives?

A creative outlet is SO important for mental health! Crafting is a great way to focus and relax, and it can also be very therapeutic. The Maker’s Guide to Cricut makes it easy to learn or expand the reader’s ability to customize items for their own home, make personalized gifts, or create a small business – sharing love and joy with each one of their handmade creations! 

Megan Meketa Entrepreneur

What is the “Founder story”? 

Megan Meketa is a wife and mother of 2 young children. For Christmas 2016, her husband, Steve, gave her a Cricut die-cutting machine, and after the initial shock and intimidation wore off, she began crafting and sharing process videos on social media of how to use a Cricut to make all sorts of projects. Megan still creates process videos sharing Cricut tips, tricks, and craft project ideas for her own social media (@lovebird_heartworks), as well as collaborating and creating content for Cricut, Michaels Arts & Crafts Store, and other craft brands.

How did you come up with the idea?

The Maker’s Guide to Cricut was written as the book I wish I had when I first started crafting with my Cricut. It includes a collection of pro tips, tricks, and projects that I have repeatedly returned to, and they are STILL fun to create! The projects within the book were all created specifically for this book and are meant for crafters of all levels of experience. I wanted to create a book that was beginner friendly but also had a section for each project to “make it extra” and give examples of how to elevate the project for those looking for something more advanced.

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Where can people get this product?

TheMaker’s Guide to Cricut can be found wherever you love to shop for books, including Barnes & Noble, Target, & Amazon – for a list of links and other retailers, check out

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