The Safe Way To Get A Tan And Avoid Painful Sunburns


If you can picture a day at the beach or just lounging outside under the sun, it must be fun in your head, from getting that perfect tan. However, most of the time, we get burns instead of getting tanned skin, which is rather painful. Have you ever thought that going through the ordeal of a painful sunburn might be doing you a favor? Let’s see!

What Exactly Causes Sunburn?

Sunburn is overexposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun, where ultraviolet rays are self-offering through exposure. UVA and UVB rays can cause permanent damage; overexposure to UVB rays leads to sunburn, reddening, soreness, and peeling. Imagine your skin as bread that has been in the toaster for a long time; if you were to let it stay in its slot too long, it would be burnt up just the same way, just as with sunburns.

Are You Thinking Now That Sunburn Can Turn Into Tanning?

Yes, sunburn can result in tanning—not always, but sometimes in evil ways. Here’s how it works:

• Mild Sunburn: After a mild sunburn, your skin may be slightly irritated and red, staying as such for days before eventually fading; your melanin production is boosted to protect against additional damage. That is because if something injures our cells due to sun damage, they will produce more melanin to protect themselves.

• Severe Sunburn: When skin blisters and peels, this results from significant damage to skin cells due to severe sunburn, and it hurts quite a bit to go through this. Although peeling of skin may result in newer and possibly darker-hued skin cells appearing in the wake of such damage that is caused by this type of burning, the skin remodeling being referred to is anything but ideal and is an indication of severe damage to your skin and overall health.

So, while sunburn sometimes results in a tan, it should never be used to gain color effectively or healthily—akin to saying getting hurt makes us stronger! There are far better and safer methods available that allow us to obtain color without risking our skin’s integrity in the process.

Why To Avoid Sunburns?

Now, sunburn might have critical effects in the long term for not just skin health but overall health—much more than temporary pain and redness. Some reasons to avoid sunburn are:

• Sunburn Damage: You suffer from permanent cell damage due to a sunburn, which in the long run will result in wrinkles and dark spots on your skin. Over time, repetitive sunburns may make you look older with wrinkles and dark spots.

• Pain And Discomfort: Sunburn can hurt and even cause blisters, which makes you sick with what’s happening to you that much worse. If untreated, blisters can even result in permanent skin disfigurement by the formation of blisters, which eventually requires medical intervention and results in vomiting.

How To Get A Safe Tan?

The skin may get tanned without getting sunburned in safe ways as listed below:

Use Of Sunscreen: Sunscreens that have higher levels of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) can both save the skin from highly destructive Ultraviolet rays and, at the same time, the skin can get tanned safely. This has a considerable advantage and thus should always be made in use.

Limit Sun Exposure: Be in the shade whenever the sun is out. Try, if you can, to stay away from the intense rays of the sun during its critical hours, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., to avoid sunburn.

Take Breaks: Whenever you move outside for longer hours, take frequent breaks with shades full around that can help your skin health. This gives time to rejuvenate itself without getting burnt too much.

Gradual Tan: For gradual tanning, simply go outside for fewer and fewer minutes each day, not all at once on a scoring frenzy. Gradual tanning will take a definite period.

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While do sunburns turn into tans, one doesn’t want to do that. Sunburns are horrible for the skin and may potentially bring about skin cancer. Be gentle on the skin, always protecting it with sunscreen and protective clothing, and do not stay under the sun for too long. So, with these protections on your skin, you may have an excellent safe time in the sun to build a nice, good-looking tan on your skin! Enjoy the sun without burns on your skin

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