Top Questions to Ask When Buying RC Airplane

RC Airplane

Are you in the market for a remote-controlled airplane? Buying an RC Airplane can be fun and exciting, but it’s important to know what questions to ask before committing. 

There are several things to consider when purchasing a remote-controlled model aircraft, from size, speed, and range to battery power, motor preferences, and more – so you must have all the information at hand before taking your purchase home. 

This post will cover the top six questions you should ask when buying an RC plane, helping ensure your purchase is exactly what you need!

1. What type of model is right? 

There are a few types of RC airplanes to choose from, so it’s important to know what you’re looking for before buying. The most common types are gliders, trainers, and sports planes, each with unique features and benefits. 

If you’re a beginner, a trainer or glider might be an excellent place to start – they’re typically slower and more forgiving, making them easier to fly. If you’re an experienced pilot, a sport plane might be a better option – they can reach higher speeds and perform more aerobatic stunts.

2. What size should one buy? 

Another important consideration when buying an RC airplane is size. Planes come in all different sizes, from tiny indoor models to large-scale planes flown outdoors. Choosing the right size plane for your experience level and flying space is important. Smaller planes are typically easier to fly (when it isn’t windy) and can be flown indoors, while larger planes are better suited for flying outdoors and require more experience to operate safely.

3. How fast does the aircraft go? 

Speed is another critical consideration when purchasing an RC plane; you don’t want something too slow or too fast for your skill level! Most models can reach around 50-70 mph speeds, though some faster models are available, like RC jets. It’s important to remember that higher speeds also mean increased risks, so make sure you’re comfortable with the plane’s top speed before buying.

4. What range does the model have? 

The range of an RC model aircraft is how far it can fly from the transmitter before losing signal connection and automatically returning home or crashing. Most aircraft have a range of around 500-1000 feet, though some models with longer ranges are available. It’s important to consider how far away you will typically be flying your plane and choose one with a range that suits your needs.

5. What type of battery does an aircraft use? 

One final thing to consider when buying an RC airplane is the type of battery it uses. Batteries come in three main types – Nickel Cadmium (NiCad), Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH), or Lithium Polymer (LiPo). NiCad batteries are gradually being phased out due to environmental concerns, so NiMH batteries are becoming increasingly popular. Most RC models use 4 or 6 NiMH cells, determining how long the plane can fly between charges. LiPo batteries last longer and don’t lose power as they drain, making them ideal for experienced pilots.

6. What type of motor does the airplane have?

The motor is one of the essential parts of an RC plane, as it powers the aircraft in flight. Motors come in two types – brushed and brushless. Brushed motors are typically less expensive but need more maintenance, while brushless motors are more efficient and require less maintenance but also more expensive. 


If you’re new to RC planes, it’s essential to understand your needs before making a purchase. There are a variety of RC planes on the market, each with different features and capabilities. 

Top Factors You Need To Know When Purchasing An RC Car(Opens in a new browser tab)

It’s important to research to find the best plane for you. Once you’ve made your purchase, be sure to take care of your investment by following the proper maintenance guidelines. 

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