Unlocking Success: Inside the Bestselling Book ‘Your Deck of Success’ with 52 Expert Contributors

In the fast-paced world of business and personal growth, the quest for success and fulfillment is an eternal pursuit. Amidst this pursuit is a book that is captivating readers with its transformative insights and pragmatic wisdom. Bestselling book Your Deck of Success has become a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, professionals, and individuals seeking to unlock their full potential.

Your Deck of Success stands out from traditional books by adopting a unique card format. Instead of traditional chapters, the book is divided into individual cards, each containing a specific idea, strategy, or concept, providing an engaging experience that guides readers on their journey to success.

More than just a compilation of individual perspectives, it represents a profound shift in the way we approach personal and professional growth, harnessing the power of collaboration and collective wisdom.

The book explores the author’s unique perspective on business and life. By understanding their motivations and personal growth, readers gain a deeper appreciation for the wisdom and guidance the book offers. 

Rich Parsons, the brain behind the book and the lead author, explains the inspiration behind bringing together 52 contributors. “Connections and collaboration are an important part of what I do, and I feel I am pretty good at it. I look for opportunities to collaborate with others, and bringing together the collective stories into one book seemed like a great way to accomplish that.”

He explains that his first thought with the number 52 was that there are 52 weeks in a year, but he says when he and Ken Rochon (Visionary at Perfect Publishing) got together on a call to discuss the project, it transformed into the number of cards in a card deck, and Your Deck of Success was born.

Collaborating with 52 authors on a book about successful business and life hacks offers a range of benefits, including shared expertise, extensive coverage, validation, inspiration, and community building. It’s an opportunity to make a significant impact, both individually and collectively, and contribute to the growth and empowerment of readers worldwide.

Each author brings their own unique insights and experiences, resulting in a diverse collection of strategies and life hacks. This breadth of perspectives ensures readers can find advice and inspiration that resonates with their own goals and aspirations.

When asked how he thinks this book will resonate with readers and help them improve their personal and professional lives, contributing author and Mind Mapping expert John Diggs says, “I believe this book will resonate and help readers improve their personal and professional lives because it will introduce them to some of the most outstanding professionals in the country. People that are very skilled and committed to impacting lives with their expertise.” 

By participating in a collaborative book project, you are leaving a lasting legacy and contributing meaningfully to the field of business and personal development. Your insights and experiences can inspire and guide others on their own journeys to success.

Teresa Mack, who is a real estate broker and serial entrepreneur, agrees. “I took part in this venture because I want to leave a legacy and a roadmap for others to learn, and this collaboration was a powerful and succinct way to do this.”

Although the finished product expunges any trials along the way, collaborative projects of this scale may present unique challenges, such as coordinating different writing styles, meeting deadlines, or ensuring consistency across the book. However, these challenges are met through effective communication and a shared commitment to the project’s success.

“While attracting 52 contributors was a big number and an even bigger effort, and I often wondered if it would happen, I never gave up on the idea,” states Parsons. “It took almost a year to fill all the spots in the book. Perseverance paid off in the end, thanks to a connection I made with Dr. Pam Perry and an elite group of entrepreneurs who were ready to share their stories.”

What the Authors are Saying

Dr. Evi Abada, who is a breast and gynecologic pathologist and Diplomate of the American Board of Pathology, says a great way to start your success journey is defining what success means for the individual. “Becoming successful requires intentionality, grit, and familiarity with the dynamics of time and the resources available to you. Being open and flexible enough to adapt based on your unique circumstance is key to achieving success.”

Health Promotions Educational Director, Inspirational, and Life Coach Felicia Masquat stresses your circle is an important part of your success. One tip she shares is, “Surround yourself with individuals that inspire and motivate you, someone you want to be like.”

Dr. W. Garrett Goggans, author, speaker, and mindset coach, touches on the boundaries of belief. He explains that your belief can make or break your success. “Whatever we hold in our belief system, our subconscious will seek to prove it as true. If you believe you cannot achieve something, your subconscious will show you every reason you should not try.”

Contributor Jeremy McDonald, international best-selling author, speaker, and coach, says, “Just remember successful people are not born: they are developed over time…So be kind to yourself to make mistakes, to get disciouraged, and to even fail. The important thing is to get back up and try again!”

Reading about business and life tips from professionals who have made mistakes, failed, and succeeded can be beneficial. Their experiences of facing challenges and setbacks and success can provide valuable insights and practical wisdom.

Here are five reasons reading about such professionals can be beneficial:

1.    Learning from mistakes: Professionals who have experienced failures and setbacks can offer valuable lessons on what went wrong and how they overcame those obstacles. By understanding their mistakes, you can avoid making similar ones on your own journey.

2.    Gaining inspiration and motivation: Reading about the struggles and ultimate success of professionals can inspire and motivate. It helps to reinforce the belief that success is possible even after facing setbacks, and it encourages you to keep going during challenging times.

3.    Practical advice and strategies: Successful professionals often share practical tips and strategies that have worked for them. These insights can provide you with new perspectives and approaches to problem-solving, decision-making, and achieving your goals.

4.    Developing resilience and a growth mindset: Reading about the failures and subsequent successes of professionals can help cultivate resilience and a growth mindset. You’ll learn that setbacks are a natural part of the journey, and they can be opportunities for growth and learning.

5.    Expanding your knowledge and skills: Professionals who have achieved success often have extensive knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. By reading about their experiences, you can gain new knowledge, insights, and skills that can contribute to your own success.

What people are saying about Your Deck of Success

Your Deck of Success is a book that will not expire but has room to expound. Rich Parsons embarked on a project that would take longer than expected. However, he is sure he made the right decision. “In the game to achieve success, it is important to define what success looks like to you. Much like fingerprints, success is unique to every individual. As such, how each person gets there will present itself differently.”

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Your Deck of Success is available at Amazon.com

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