Unlocking the Potential of Logistics Sales: How Bridger Sales System Boosts Performance by 33%**


The right tools can make all the difference in logistics and freight brokerage.

Enter the Bridger Sales System, a revolutionary CRM explicitly designed for this industry by Dan Deigan, who knows it inside and out.

With almost 30 years of experience in logistics sales, Deigan and his team at Streamlined Results Ltd. have crafted a solution that addresses the unique challenges of logistics sales professionals, offering a specialized tool that far surpasses the capabilities of generic CRMs.

The Bridger Sales System is tailored to the needs of freight brokers and logistics sales teams. It allows users to track leads, manage accounts, and streamline the sales process all in one place.

With features that help improve sales and increase sales productivity, like automated follow-ups, customizable pipeline sequences, sales strategies,  and robust tools that maximize sales performance, this sales enablement tool helps logistics professionals stay on top of their sales game and ultimately close more deals.

The Power of Specialization

Why choose a specialized CRM over a generic one?

The answer is simple: industry-specific knowledge and functionality.

Just as you wouldn’t trust a general practitioner to perform brain surgery, logistics companies need a tool developed with an insider’s understanding of their field.

The Bridger Sales System is precisely that tool, built to cater to the distinct needs of logistics and freight brokerage professionals and packed with strategies to Improve sales performance.

Bridger is more than a CRM; it’s performance management software built to elevate sales and marketing teams by providing them with the right tools to finish the job in less time.

Teams that specialize in specific areas of logistics win time and time again. It works, in the same way, to improve sales performance, create sales plans, use sales data, set sales goals, and get deep into ways to improve your sales performance.

It’s about specialization to boost sales productivity.

Sales Performance Management Software – Efficiency And Improve Sales Results

The Bridger Sales System has proven to be a game-changer for its users.

The platform streamlines operations by incorporating advanced AI and automation, significantly boosting sales performance.

Users have reported a remarkable 33% increase in performance and output, attributing this success to the system’s ability to add 8.67 hours back into their week with just a few of its AI tools.

This extra time allows sales reps to focus on their strengths: closing deals, fostering customer relationships, and sales performance.

Moreover, Bridger’s impact on sales figures speaks volumes.

With users reporting a 17% increase in sales and revenue, the system’s targeted follow-up workflows and lead-generation capabilities are clearly performing well.

By providing in-depth research tools and the ability to reach out to prospects at scale, Bridger empowers sales teams to achieve significant growth.

It allows you to measure sales, provide accurate sales forecasting, and make your sales process more efficient.

Enhance Your Sales Training for Success

Beyond its technological innovations, Bridger Sales System stands out for its commitment to user success through education.

 Offering over a dozen of the highest-rated training courses in the logistics and freight broker space, Bridger ensures its users are equipped with the best tools and the knowledge to use them effectively.

This combination of technology and training maximizes sales success and efficiency, setting Bridger apart in a crowded market.

“Studies show that companies that invest in sales training see a 57% improvement in sales effectiveness compared to their competitors. Individual sales representatives can experience a performance boost of around 20% due to training.” (Gartner)

Many sales teams need help identifying stagnant parts of their overall sales activities, and high-performing sales teams are different. The modern sales rep is looking to boost efficiency, track performance, and use sales intelligence tools to improve the entire sales organization.

A company’s sales performance depends on a few key needle movers. These include identifying where sales reps spend their time, the recurring sales tasks, sales metrics that tell the right story, and a clean sales pipeline with a system that helps boost sales results.

Trusted by Industry Leaders For Increased Sales Performance

 The effectiveness of the Bridger Sales System is underscored by its adoption by top logistics professionals. Its blend of innovative technology, personalized onboarding, and industry-specific sales coaching has made it the number-one CRM choice for those in the know.

As the logistics and freight brokerage industry evolves, Bridger’s forward-thinking approach positions it as a critical partner for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve.

High-performing sales management helps successful sales teams move through their sales cycles faster, and in b2b sales today, there is a strong need to enhance sales performance in as many ways as possible.

Sales managers love how Bridger’s intuitive system gives teams ways to boost sales performance. With sales revenue being down, margins being eroded, and new sales being lower than we’ve seen in a long time.

It’s a challenging environment for overall sales performance, and reducing the percentage of salespeople’s time spent on sales models, sales playbooks, or sales tools that don’t move the needle of employee performance is a crucial focus for enhancing sales opportunities.

Helping close sales gaps throughout the “sales pitch” is the best way for the best sales teams to increase the number of sales brought to the table and grow sales engagement across the board.

“When you help your sales team win, make sure your sales team has every tool that helps them work smarter, stay organized, and provide powerful sales workflows. The common sales challenges will go out the window.”

Dan Deigan said sales reps should remain fluid when adopting a new sales approach if they want their sales team’s performance to skyrocket.

Conclusion – Sales Reps Need Bridger

In conclusion, the Bridger Sales Enablement System exemplifies the benefits of specialization in technology solutions. By understanding the unique challenges and opportunities of the logistics and freight brokerage industry,

Dan Deigan and his team have created a CRM that improves performance by 33% and redefines what’s possible in sales efficiency and growth.

For logistics companies aiming to elevate their sales game, Bridger offers the tools, training, and tailored support to make it happen.

One key benefit of the Bridger Sales System is its integration with popular sales tools. This allows users to easily access and manage loads within the CRM platform, saving time and ensuring that important load information is always current.

In addition, the Bridger Sales System offers personalized training and support to help users maximize the system’s potential.

With the expertise and guidance of Bridger’s teams, individuals and teams can learn to leverage the system to increase productivity, efficiency, and, ultimately, revenue.

Overall, the Bridger Sales System is a game-changer for logistics professionals looking to take their sales efforts to the next level. With its tailored features, seamless integration, and expert support, this CRM is a must-have tool for anyone in the freight brokerage industry. Effective salespeople and sales teams can benefit from Briger’s extensive industry knowledge and a system that provides the proper sales workflows to skyrocket sales operations and overall team performance, making more sales and maximizing revenue potential for every user.

Selling is Simple – Until it’s Not!(Opens in a new browser tab)

If you’re looking for a system that can enhance your present sales funnel, track sales tasks at nine different levels, or give your team a “making sales goldmine,” then Bridger is the tool for you.

If you want to increase your sales potential and take your sales to a whole new level, try Bridger’s approach to sales success. Get a FREE 14-day trial of Bridger today.

Get your FREE trial at https://www.bridgersystem.com

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