Unlocking the Secrets of Gut Health with Nikki Kenward: Your Second Brain Is Being Ignored

Nikki Kenward

In a society where the mysteries of mental health often overshadow the lesser-known realm of gut health, Nikki Kenward emerges as an advocate for realism, offering profound insights that could transform your understanding of well-being. She’s not just an author; she’s a trailblazer in the uncharted territory where emotional stress and gut health converge.

Nikki Kenward’s upcoming book, “Overcoming Chronic Digestive Conditions: Release the Visceral Layers of Post-Traumatic Gut Disorder,” set to launch this October with Inner Traditions, promises to be a groundbreaking revelation. It’s a testament to her dedication to unraveling the enigma that is the gut and its profound connection to our physical and mental health.

But let’s step back and get to know the extraordinary Nikki Kenward.

With a background in dance and dance therapy, Nikki’s journey took an unexpected turn when she discovered the transformative power of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy. For over 25 years, she’s been a stalwart Upledger therapist, sharing her knowledge globally by teaching and examining for the Upledger Institute for 15 years.

Nikki Kenward is a pediatric specialist with a unique focus on sensory processing issues, autism, ADD, speech and learning challenges, and providing crucial support to families. Her adult practice delves into the intricate realms of MS, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and chronic gut health.

What sets Nikki apart is her profound understanding of the gut as the “second brain” of the body. In her words, she’s found “a freeze in the gut” during fight-or-flight responses, a revelation born from a harrowing scuba diving accident that brought her face to face with mortality. This life-altering experience exposed her to the paramount importance of gut health.

In an era where pills, surgery, and psychological therapy often take center stage in the medical world, Nikki Kenward champions the gut as the unsung hero of our well-being. She acknowledges the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Gut Disorder, a condition where emotional trauma finds its hiding place until it becomes unbearable.

Yet, Nikki’s message transcends mere stress reduction and relaxation techniques. Her book, “Overcoming Chronic Digestive Conditions: Release the Visceral Layers of Post-Traumatic Gut Disorder,” is a lifeline for those navigating the tumultuous waters of gut health. It’s a beacon of hope for individuals who’ve long believed that their gut problems were merely a side effect of mental health issues or an inexplicable bodily malfunction.

The book is expected to release in the United States on October 3, and is available for pre-order. Click here to pre-order your copy. I have. 

In the meantime, in, “It’s All in Your Gut: Let Your Second Brain Guide You to Optimal Health,” Nikki Kenward unveils a paradigm-shifting perspective on gut health that transcends contemporary research and nutritional therapy. Drawing from over two decades of clinical experience and a profound understanding of the enteric nervous system, she delves deep into the emotional history stored within the gut—a vital but often overlooked aspect of our well-being. 

Nikki’s book not only illuminates how the gut responds to emotional trauma and stress but also reveals the profound impact these experiences have on our digestion, physical health, and mental well-being. Through her clinical practice and personal journey, she discovered the challenge of accessing and resolving emotional trauma stored within the gut. By blending these insights with informed nutritional advice, Nikki facilitated profound healing for individuals facing chronic gut issues that had previously resisted change. Her book serves as a beacon of hope for anyone navigating ongoing digestive problems, those supporting loved ones in their struggles, and craniosacral therapists and their clients seeking holistic well-being. 

Through the lens of her own personal story, Nikki’s book offers an emotionally engaging and enlightening exploration of the gut’s mysteries, complemented by the latest research on the gut and its intricate nervous system. It adds a crucial dimension to the wealth of information available on nutrition and gut health, shedding light on the emotional aspect of these issues and offering practical ways to address them. 

Dive into the BodyMindSpirit podcast, Episodes 8 and 9, for exclusive interviews with Nikki Kenward. Her insight conceptualizes an area previously unfamiliar to me, but integral in promoting your gut health. 

Part 1: https://www.theideacrucible.com/articles/nikkipodcast1

Part 2: https://www.theideacrucible.com/articles/nikkipodcast2

Through her work as a CranioSacral Therapist, Nikki unveils the secrets of gut health, an underappreciated facet of medicine. She imparts invaluable knowledge to empower individuals to care for their second brain—the gut. Her book is more than a publication; it’s a mandate for anyone seeking to unravel the mysteries of their well-being.

In the aftermath of her scuba accident, Nikki grappled with the perplexing question of why her digestive system continued to struggle. Little did she know that the answer lay within her second brain—the gut. Her mission is not driven by the desire for clients or financial gain; it’s an earnest endeavor to raise awareness about a critical issue.

Nikki Kenward’s insights are nothing short of transformative. She posits that “the gut is where our mental health starts.” Surprisingly, 95% of serotonin, a crucial neurotransmitter, resides in the gut—it’s synthesized, stored, and released there. Only a mere 5% resides in the brain. Despite this staggering revelation, society has long leaned on pills and mental health as the panacea for our problems.

It’s time to shift the spotlight to the gut. It’s time to acknowledge its pivotal role in our overall well-being. Nikki Kenward’s journey is a testament to the power of knowledge, and her upcoming book is an opportunity for us all to embark on a transformative journey of discovery.

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As someone who had the privilege of speaking with Nikki, I can attest to the transformative power of her insights. I’ve already pre-ordered her book because her revelations left me profoundly moved. We live in a world where mental health issues are rampant, yet we often overlook the gut as a source of our problems. I, for one, will no longer ignore its significance, and my hope is that readers will embark on a similar journey of discovery and transformation. The era of holistic well-being is dawning, led by the wisdom of Nikki Kenward who wants nothing more than messaging and advocacy for your second brain.

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