Warning Signs It’s Time to Call an AC Repair Company


When you hear your air conditioner making unusual noises like clunking or grinding, it’s trying to signal something important. But, this is just the start. Experiencing weak airflow, strange smells, the AC turning on and off too often, or seeing leaks are all signals your AC system needs care.

Not paying attention to these signs can cause bigger problems later. It’s very important to solve these issues quickly to keep your home cool and comfy.

Unusual Noises

If you often hear noises like clanking or grinding from your air conditioner in Phoenix, Arizona, it’s a clear sign that you may need the expertise of leading AC repair specialists in Phoenix, Arizona. These noises typically indicate underlying issues with the motor or fan of your AC unit. A malfunctioning motor can produce grinding sounds, suggesting potential internal damage or aging components. Ignoring these warning signs could lead to further deterioration, potentially resulting in a complete breakdown of your air conditioning system.

Noises coming from the fan are also not good. If your air conditioner makes sounds like rattling, squeaking, or clicking, it could be because of the fan blades or the motor. The fan blades can get loose or bend, making them hit other parts and make loud noises. Also, if the motor has problems, it won’t be able to run the fan well, and that will make strange noises too.

It’s very important to take care of these noises quickly by getting a professional HVAC technician to check and fix your air conditioning. This will help prevent more damage and make sure your air conditioner works well.

Weak Airflow

If you find that the airflow from your air conditioner is weaker than before, it might be because of clogged filters or issues with the ductwork. It’s very important to fix this quickly to make sure your system works well.

Here are some common reasons for weak airflow:

  1. Dirty filters: The filters in your AC can get full of dust, dirt, and other stuff over time. When this happens, the airflow gets blocked, and it becomes difficult for your air conditioner to cool your house properly.
  2. Vents that are blocked: If vents are blocked or closed, this can also cause weak airflow. You should make sure that all vents in your house are open and that nothing like furniture, curtains, or decorations is blocking them.
  3. Problems with ductwork: If there are leaks, holes, or ducts that aren’t connected properly, air might escape before it gets to the rooms in your house. This can lead to less airflow.
  4. Fan problems: If there are issues with the air conditioner’s fan, like a fan motor that isn’t working right or broken blades, this can have a big effect on airflow. If you think there’s a problem with the fan, it’s a good idea to get help from a professional.

Strange Odors

If you notice odd smells coming from your air conditioner, this could mean there are problems needing quick attention.

There are two smells to look out for musty and burnt. Musty smells could mean mold or mildew is growing inside your AC or its ducts. This isn’t only bad for the air in your house but can also be harmful to your health. Breathing in mold can cause problems with your lungs, so it’s important to take care of this issue quickly.

Burnt smells, on the other hand, might mean there are electrical problems with your air conditioner. This could happen because of bad wiring or parts getting too hot. If you ignore these smells, it could lead to a fire or damage your AC.

Frequent Cycling

If you see that your air conditioner starts and stops too much, it might mean there’s a problem called frequent cycling. This happens when your AC can’t keep your home at the temperature you want without a lot of effort. Here’s why this might be happening:

  1. Thermostat problems: Sometimes the thermostat doesn’t work right and sends wrong messages to your air conditioner. This makes your AC turn on and off more because it’s trying to reach the temperature you set.
  2. Electrical issues: If there’s something wrong with the wires or electrical parts, your AC will try to make up for it by cycling too much.
  3. Dirty filters: When air filters get too dirty, they block the air. This makes the AC get too hot and it has to turn on and off a lot to cool down.
  4. Wrong AC size: If your air conditioner is too big or too small for your room, it won’t cool the space well. This makes it cycle on and off too much as it tries to keep up.

If your AC unit turns on and off more than it should, you really should get a professional to check it. They can find out what’s wrong and fix it quickly.

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Leaks or Moisture

Seeing water or too much dampness around your air conditioner isn’t good. It means there might be a big problem that needs quick fixing. Sometimes, leaks show that the cooling stuff (refrigerant) in your AC isn’t okay or there’s too much water from the air being cooled down. If you don’t fix these, your AC won’t work well or might stop working.

The cooling stuff is very important for making your house cool. If it’s leaking, your AC won’t cool the house right and it could be bad for your health. Also, if there’s a lot of water around the AC, it might mean the water can’t go out because of a block or the pump is broken. This can cause your house to get water damage.

If you see any water or wet spots near your AC, you shouldn’t wait. Call someone who knows a lot about ACs to check it and fix it. This way, you can avoid spending a lot of money on repairs later.

2030 W Desert Cove Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85029, United States
American Home Water & Air

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