What Not to Do on College Applications: 5 Tips from The Experts


While there is rarely a sole reason for a college application to get rejected, multiple mistakes can contribute to a less-than-ideal outcome.

When colleges reject applications, it is usually due to a combination of factors – some of which are totally out of the applicant’s control.

There are multiple common mistakes that applicants frequently make, without knowing how detrimental they are to their chances of getting in.

To avoid making those same mistakes, below are five tips from the experts on what not to do:

  1. Send Gifts

Even if it seems like a great idea at the time, do not attempt to send in gifts along with your application.

Any gift, no matter what it is, can be misconstrued as a form of bribery. You do not want your chosen institution to doubt your ability to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior.

While you will not get prison time for doing it, your integrity will come into question, and your application will likely suffer the consequences of your actions.

  1. Name Drop

Even if your dad golfs with Tiger Woods himself, never think that it is a good idea to add that to your college application.

No one else cares. 

Keep your college application neat, your essay personal, and your references professional. The college admissions board is looking for exemplary students, not ones whose parents are friends with celebrities.

  1. Ignore Instructions

This point cannot be stressed enough – follow the instructions.

Your application will probably get rejected if you do not do precisely what your application requires. If you are meant to fill in your details in capital letters with a black pen, do not flaunt your creative side with cursive script and pink gel ink.

Follow the rules, obey the instructions, and do not give the admissions board a reason to chuck your application in the nearest bin.

If you need help with your application, contact Going Ivy for guidance and assistance on your college journey.

  1. Messy Social Media Profiles

Social media profiles can be your best friend or worst enemy when the time comes to apply for college.

Go through your profiles on every platform and clean them up. No messy photos, no duck faces, and certainly nothing untoward! 

The college admissions board is not looking for students who look like they are a handful or will cause trouble. Present yourself as an upstanding and valuable student they will not regret admitting into their school.

  1. Use The Wrong Words

There is an episode of Friends where one of the characters uses a thesaurus to help them write a speech.

Do. Not. Do. That.

When writing your college essay, as much as you want to sound mature and worldly, do not use ten-dollar words when 50-cent ones will do the job. 

If you have an impressive vocabulary, show it off – but only if you know how to use words correctly and in the proper context.

If you were born and bred in an English-speaking household, readers expect you to have a strong command of the language. Pay attention to your spelling, grammar, and punctuation – mistakes will get noticed.

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To End

By following these simple yet essential tips above, you can rest assured that your application will outshine the rest!Stay calm throughout this process, as overwhelming as it might be. You will get through it – and you will soon be enjoying college life.

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