Asbestos was once used as a fire-resistant construction material in shingles, roofing, ceilings, etc but now causes a prominent health concern due to its harmful effects. If we are exposed to its microscopic fibers, it can cause serious health issues. So, knowing a few situations for when to call an asbestos abatement team is essential. Let’s find out!
When Renovating or Demolishing an Older Building
If you have a property that was built before the 1980s, it definitely has asbestos-containing materials used in its construction. The common places include insulation, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, pipe wrappings, and even adhesives.
So, renovating a part of that property which includes drilling, or demolishing can disturb these materials, releasing dangerous asbestos fibers into the air. So, before you start renovating, hire an asbestos abatement team from They can find out the areas and safely remove or seal the materials to prevent exposure.
When You Notice Damaged or Worn Materials
Another situation where Asbestos can be dangerous is when it is disturbed for example, over time, materials containing asbestos can wear down, or crack if they are exposed to moisture or physical stress. So, you need to find the signs of damaged insulation, chipped or broken floor tiles, and crumbling drywall.
If you come across damaged materials in an older building, don’t do repair or removal on your own. The microfibers will dig into your body when you breathe. So, call the team so that they handle the safely and dispose of it properly.
Before Buying or Selling an Older Property
If you are buying or selling old property then it contains such material and buyers want assurances that the property is safe and free of health hazards, and sellers should address issues that might affect the value of the sale.
An asbestos inspection by a professional team provides peace of mind for both parties. If ACMs are detected, the abatement team can recommend removal or containment measures to ensure the property meets safety standards. Proactively addressing asbestos issues can also prevent delays or complications during the transaction process.
After a Natural Disaster
Natural disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes can severely damage buildings and ultimately asbestos-containing materials exposed during the process.
For example, a flood can weaken asbestos insulation, or an earthquake can break apart old asbestos-containing tiles. So, after a natural disaster, calling the professionals ensures prevention of further contamination and exposure.
Identify Health Symptoms
Asbestos Exposure causes some serious health issues and symptoms sometimes do not appear immediately after years. There are a few common signs such as continuous coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and fatigue even after medication.
If you or anyone at your place experiences these symptoms for a long time, ask them about the reason or suggest the, to hire an asbestos abatement team that can help identify areas of concern in your home or workplace.
Why Hiring an Asbestos Abatement Team is Essential?
Hiring an asbestos abatement team like Gac Environmental provides many benefits; these people are trained and know how to identify and safely handle asbestos-containing materials. They have quality tools such as HEPA-filtered vacuums, protective gear, and air filtration systems and techniques that we don’t have. Another benefit of hiring them is, they know strict regulations to protect public health and the environment.
By eliminating asbestos risks, abatement teams help prevent respiratory issues and long-term illnesses caused by exposure. From initial inspections and testing to final cleanup and disposal, the team is responsible to provide solutions, ensuring that no step is overlooked.
Precautions to Take Before Calling Professionals
If you think there is asbestos in your property, follow these precautions until an abatement team arrives:
- Don’t touch or disturb the suspected material.
- Close the areas to stop access by others, especially children and pets.
- Turn off HVAC systems to prevent a spread of fibers.
- Do not attempt to clean or vacuum the area yourself, as this can make the problem worse.
Final Words
Asbestos is a hidden danger that we can’t see easily but the effects are long-term on health. It is important to take serious steps if you face the mentioned conditions. Once asbestos is disturbed, no one other than the professional asbestos team can handle the chaos. These professionals are equipped with training, tools, and experience so don’t take chances with asbestos and call them right away.